Q: What Will Be The Mark of The Beast?
There has been endless speculation about this for 100’s… no 1000’s of years – with people asking about every new technology innovation – is it or isn’t it?.. and cults and religious sects popping up around it. For instance – is the new blockchain technology the mark of the beast – or is bitcoin the mark?
Well don’t panic! The thing is – the Bible – if you are mainstream Christian – to my mind is crystal clear on how to recognise it (unless you are a Seventh Day Adventist but that’s another article – where it’s specifically related to enforced Sunday worship in the later days which may or may not happen and in fact many people would like). Remember we must cut people of old some slack as they could never have envisaged the technology to link every person on the planet to a single payment system! One thing John did envisage – was that it would come down to THE LOVE of money – what The Bible says is at the root of all evil.
The Bible gives us 1 UNAMBIGUOUS way to identify The Mark
The Bible specifically links ‘the mark’ to ONE thing for absolute certain – not just buying or selling generally – but it says; *WITHOUT WHICH* no man can buy or sell ANYTHING – no trading, buying or selling (and that means eating) period! So there we have it unambiguously in black and white – we will recognise it when we are unable to use cash – cards – cryptos – buy or sell and ANYTHING without this mark that is linked to the number of his name.
So for that reason – IMHO ‘the mark’ will be likely an ID number – or ‘license’ if you like – that authenticates our connection to, and use of the central decentralised (‘impartial’) AI-brain that’s coming and all the goodies that will offer us in the form of health benefits and the rest – but crucially – without which we can’t trade – which means the mark has NOT appeared – as we can still trade in many ways! And since eventually we will be steered towards bank issued cryptos, with their promise to underwrite any stolen cash from digi-wallets that current cryptos do not offer (listen up crypto programner geniuses – you need to take that small fee you charge and use it as insurance to offer this service to combat the banks) – it will also probably incorporate a hardware wallet under our skin. Hmm – sounds familiar.
However – without this mark – not only will be not be able to buy and sell and trade (which is specifically how we recognise it), but we won’t partake in normal society – crucially eat – get paid to feed our families – get extended life – 101 bio-tech body/brain augmentations – healthcare and on and on.
And of course – for the Devil to tie wether or not we partake in his proposed Eutopian society to money – to wether or not we eat – is in perfect keeping with his character and either genius – or just the obvious and only solution to the Devil’s problem to force everyone onto his side. There really is no choice or freedom to choose without giving up our ability to buy – to eat – and live. The Devil’s work will also serve God’s purposes (not of God – but used by Him) as the perfect measure of what we love he most for all to see – our lives – or God. And those that love life over God – will ultimately lose it The Bible says.
Just my humble opinion on this rather serious matter – and always stand to be corrected:)
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I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)