Here is what every little boy and girl should be taught by their teachers and parents along side love of God – His law and country and fellow creatures and the planet. I have always found it really odd (yet not surprising in other ways) that as kids at school, it seems we are taught everything we don’t need to know and will never use in day-to-day life – like trigonometry, and just about nothing we really do need to know – like how to start a bank account, what a mortgage is, how to have a happy marriage, how to catch a train, how to get a job, how to vote for a better nation, what honesty is, how to bring up children in the knowledge of God and on and on.
But then perhaps I should be thankful there is a clear separation of church and state (a very difficult and great achievement) and that it’s still left to the parents and churches to teach morals (schools should still educate us about money management and debt etc). Problem is – these days parents and churches are not teaching these things either – instead we have happy-sermons to go – and alas in desperation I am falling into the trap of wanting to hand back the government the license to reach into our pockets and make up for the churches and our Christian failure and mandate to do these things!
It is odd that children in school are not taught how to manage their money – a most basic thing. Not that good teachers have anything to do with what’s taught – these essential life-skills are just mysteriously left out of the curriculum. Of course, the schools make sure the kids are taught a whole bunch of politically correct nonsense that the parents certainly must not meddle in.
I suppose if all children knew how to save, invest and manage and tithe their wealth we’d have too may wealthy people which couldn’t be sustained and would upset the order that the rich like – with the same people at the top, the same people in the middle, and the same people at the bottom. Well – if the schools won’t teach these basic and necessary skills – really useful knowledge, then let the guy in the video below show us how it is that the Jewish people always seem to have wealth – often not starting with not very much – and why not, when you see what their method of money-management is. All incidentally straight from The Bible!
How do we Christians miss this kind of thing? Because he says – “our noses are in the New Testament,” whilst the Jewish people’s noses are in The Old Testament – where all the money-management skills are outlined. So it’s not really surprising in the end. I don’t much like the call to action to buy all his products at the end (it seems men always have to flog you something right?) but nevertheless he speaks sense – I’ll give him that. So here’s the answer to money management on a budget… the life-skills ALL children (and adults:) should be taught. I hope it inspires you as it did me!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: