It’s almost comical. I was on Google this morning and saw they were – as they do – teaching our young about the wonderful folks that have gone before (I mean that seriously). This time they were venerating a scientist Anne Mclaren (was married to a fellow called Donald – no not that Trump!) with one of their jolly drawings on the homepage. I don’t know why they left out the often heard on Google – pleasant and distracting ukulele music – but hey-ho.
A hunch..
Search engines, politicians and big tech companies generally rather like to associate themselves with the good and clever and just in the world. So I had a bizarre thought – call it intuition – that this scientist would somehow be affiliated with that side of politics all the big super-rich western oligarchs and tech companies paradoxically subscribe to – marxism. Well – I was not wrong and was actually a little shocked at my own hunch. A quick Google told me her and her husband and family members were devout marxists – one even advising the British government on the big ‘C’ word at the moment.
The takeover (or ‘slow march’) has been going on for decades – but there’s no joy in Marxism – just look at Communism 🙂
Real and lasting joy is not something most folks from the parts of the world where this kind of politics has been practiced seriously would have experiencing at all I would wager – except within their families and amongst friends. But there is is nothing joyful about being kept poor – and no self-esteem at being given other people’s hard-earned wealth. If you wonder why Russians are dour bless hem (they are lovely people just like us after all and we are all one blood says The Bible) – just think who and how they have been ruled and spied on for decades – it’s not a laughing matter.
A Russian lady once told me – “we think the English are silly as they laugh at things which are not funny.” I replied – could it be because we are actually free and as a result joyful about little apparently insignificant things? But back to the point of this post – what’s so what’s funny about the Communist party? Well nothing – except perhaps their new name. By the way – did you know Vladimir Putin has banned smiles? Just kidding. But it won’t be long before we’ll have to ban then as they’ll remind of us of when we were free and happy.
The marxists paradoxically have all the super-rich CEOs, wealthy politicians and big tech behind them – hmm – maybe it’s because they are marxists
Well then began trying to find the name or some reference to the organisation which ‘superseded’ The Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) of which she was a participating member – the largest communist party in Great Britain between 1920 and 1991 – and was not getting anywhere. Then suddenly I found it. It was as I studied the new ‘name’ for the party I laughed. See if you can spot what they changed (or left out) in the new name. Then ask yourself if marxists really would work on behalf of the British people (as they would no doubt tell us the plebs) – or comrade – if they would secretly (everything in communism must be done in the shadows until it cannot be thwarted) be working on behalf of the global collective?
The Quiz
What’s missing from these two party names?
- The Communist Party of Great Britain – CPGB (OLD party name).
- The Communist Party of Britain – CPB (NEW party name).
A free country (eg USA and Britain of the past) can never be ‘GREAT’ in the eyes of a communist – so they just removed the word 🙂
Marxism is kid of all that’s left of you delete God. The ‘thinking’ atheist’s best attempt and only alternative to running the world without God). To achieve their ends they delete and change all sorts of words in our vocabulary for that matter. Marxism is word-theft and word-play and word hijacking and a series of carefully constructed omissions – the Devil’s oldest game. Now look – I’m NOT saying the Devil is a member of the Communist arty OK! Well – he might get the weekly newsletter delivered? Well anyway – for more interesting articles on the joys of marxism and the real and deep entrenchment of marxists and communists in our beloved but soon to fall (if not already fallen a time ago) Britain – take a look at this article >>

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: