So Predictable…
This is hilarious… we all know that he super-wealthy have always felt themselves best suited, best able and most certainly do run things from the shadows – this is no conspiracy theory. I mean if you were Bill Gates and hadn’t read The Bible (or had read it but didn’t take it seriously), and weren’t a Christian you would feel this was your ‘God-given’ job to run the world like every other ‘big’ person throughout history right?
It Sounds so Good…
But this so-called Illuminate group have decided to ‘come out into the open’ and let us all know that they have been working for us behind the scenes all along! What a joke in more ways than fifty… there have been more wars in the last century than all other centuries put together. But then they would tell us without their diligent hard work behind the scenes, there have been a lot more. Especially with J-Zee’s new song – I mean that’s really going to help isn’t it.
No the really hilarious thing about this is that this group who put up the website (be they the real Illuminate or as I rather suspect some enterprising lot who think they are enlightened) are so ‘illuminated’ they couldn’t even get hold of the proper domain name – i.e (this was registered (probably by the ‘real’ illuminate – are you serious?!! -way back in 1995:)) and have gone with the rather amusing; ‘’ domain. Ha… I’d love to the see official – unofficial – official website!
What… You mean Rich People Really Do Control Things?
Look. We all know that people with lots of money and power have always had messiah complexes, felt themselves as more unlighted that the rest of us surfs – otherwise the God out there whoever or whatever he or it is would not have made them succeed and given them their status or number one position in the charts in the first place right? (wrong! – read the Bible – blessings fall on the wicked and the righteous just like the rain falls on the just and the unjust). Come on – we know that the management of our planet and us stupid underlings is best left to Sting, Obama and Bono right?
But there’s something even more disconcerting about the number of Christians on the web saying; “this website means the Illuminate have come out in the open!” Come on people… something here isn’t right!
Like a Script…
The text and words on this site are so predictable and nearly made me vomit, had it not been for the fact that at worst it’s a hoax and at best it’s a group of fools who really think the the world is better of run by the minds and ideas of celerities (lady gaga and madonna will no doubt be in the mix – what about Bob Geldof?). What a shame we couldn’t have had the wisdom of Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston too – I mean we all know they weren’t just great singers, they had buckets of wisdom enough to get themselves completely shafted by the nasty and godless record industry right? Just think if Elvis had lived a few more years he could have been on the illuminate board of health and narcotics (Seriously I loved these people but they were caught up – as we can if we are not on our guard, in terrible evils of the world).
And of course predictably, you can feel it in your water after seeing the video, anyone that would go against the lovely fluffy things said on the website about making the world a better place and all things should be shared and equal must be evil and don’t deserve to live right? Errr… Im not so worried about making the world a better place bit – I like that bit – no no, it’s the; how they are suggesting to do it that bothers me. You know – give the keys to a small secret group – join their social network and as you go up the pyramid of light you get more power and bigger keys – you know that bit.
Of course that’s how all man-made institutions that depend on finances or with to gain power, such as companies, personality cults, secret societies, even churches – yes I said it even most churches have worked that way since the beginning – well almost the beginning. The early church operated on a flatter more horizontal and less hierarchical – much healthier way.
One particularly funny (or not so funny depending on how you look at it) part on the website (you have to dig a bit because remember everything is buried so as not to give all their secrets away) was the bit where they say something lie; “more responsibility will be given to you as you go along with the organisation” – like we really want film stars, Tom Cruise and other ‘enlightened’ ones – you know the people who were wise enough to signup for things like scientology started by the infamous Ron Hubbard!
And then the creme de la creme was the; ‘Sign Up now >>’ button – I mean sigh up for what? To be in a social network of totally deluded and self centred and self important individuals who have realised there is no use in getting God (you know their creator) involved in things if we want to do things properly. Oh no – lets do it ourselves! Let’s use our own wisdom that has served the world so well over the last 200 years shall we! All it really needed was a; ‘Login with Facebook’ and then the cat would have been out! I mean there really are people that would want to signup to this so they can be ‘elite’. But might I remind the reader that The Son of man had no pillow to lay his head let alone an Illuminate account!
But It’s All True
Despite my joking around with this website and group – whoever they are – the things on the website and spoken about in the video ARE actually what the ‘enlightened’ ones in our word think. You know the super-rich Ted Turner and people like him. These Godless people and their ancestors realised eons ago than man with all his ego problems could never have peace without a single world system run by ego-less likes of Ted, Bill and friends, and definitely without religion getting it’s nasty little mitts involved.
And of course this is true – The Bible tell us so. Bill and Ted will never gain control of their egos without Gods’ Holy and cleansing spirit renewing the physical neurons and of their mind and rewiring their darkened minds. In the last days man (just like Nimrod and all the other tyrants in history have tried to do) here will be a single world financial, governmental and military system and his will bring about ‘peace and safety’ – until of course the inevitable sudden destruction comes as it always does to any thing setup against God. And I know, I know – they do believe in God, but it’s a different, light-bearing God (Hmmm… where have I heard that before?) and definitely not that bloke Jesus that never said anything that was not true and fair – no not the God we believe in.
There can’t be peace until every being on the planets’ whereabouts and activity is known at all times 265 days a year 24-7. But the same fools didn’t consider that whoever might get the reigns to this power might turn bad. Of course they did I hear you say! Well you are probably right – they are not stupid when it comes to things that require knowledge – but wisdom is a totally different ball game and what they lack (God refuses it to those that don’t earnestly seek it). Knowledge and Wisdom are worlds apart as east from west. Yes it’s true, they’ve probably got their hair-brained scheme as to how to ensure that a tyrant can never create mayhem with all this power and ensure it doesn’t and ‘can’t’ ever happen. You know, like handing over the power to some inanimate, unbiased, all-knowing computer. What could possibly go wrong?
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I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: