It should be the other way round right? – i.e live holy in this world and happy in the next, but most of us Christians, including me I’m sorry to say, live with our priorities reversed. Did you realise that in one swoop King David broke five of the ten commandments – good going, even for a biblical figure (tongue firmly in cheek). But most of us modern Christians I would wager are doing the same thing in one way or another in todays’ liberal church where it really is – largely due to the massive number of temptations all of us are bombarded with on every front every day with modern media, often more about happiness than holiness I’m not afraid to say.
Thankfully, I’m always inspired by the great man of God David Pawson who always brings me back to my senses and I hope you find this ‘old’ school’ (as if anything Godly can really be old!) teacher as inspiring as I do. Listen to David and be inspired and don’t be put off or more importantly fooled by his meek sounding delivery and take his message to heart – to live now – holy in this world – so you will be happy in the next. Live for the future not now!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: