
Hacksaw Ridge – The Faithful Christian Man Behind The Film’s Story

I just heard about Mel Gibson’s new film, but had no idea about the amazing and inspiring story and Christian behind it. Take a look at the video below and see the terrible dilemma that some Christians face in trying to both serve their country and yet serve God in honouring the commandment; Thou shalt not kill.

As a slightly side issue I believe – correct me if I’m wrong – that this command actually means; Thou Shalt Not Murder – yes though killing and murder may have the same outcome – they are quite different – as one is always premeditated (how murder gets it’s name), often carried out as revenge or for other reasons – whereas the other (killing) can happen in many ways – even by accident and hence courts treat these two things differently too.

Either way – there is no doubt that the men who fought in WWII saved the world from tyranny and yet this conscientious objector is no fearful yellow-belly.

This kind of decision is one that most of us young Christian folk have and may never have to face. Sobering stuff.

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