Armed guards and walls protect our banks – armed guards and walls protect our prime ministers and politicians and their houses – armed guards and walls protect our institutions, our celebrities (you know – all the same people who want to outlaw them everywhere else) and yet – armed guards are not allowed to protect children in schools, or families in their homes. This is a strange contradiction – and it’s not one brought about by stupid people which means there must be another agenda. The agenda is to weaken anyone who wants to remain truly free.
“When was the last time you saw a gun walk itself to a shooting?”
The Lion’s Conference
A pack of lions came together for a conference and decided that some animals, for instance bison are very dangerous to the pack and pose a risk in the lions ruling the jungle. There was much discussion and the general consensus was that all dangerous animals have should have their horns, teeth, claws and any other potentially dangerous parts on their person reduced in size. Some even suggested they should have the sharp edged rounded off and others even suggested they should have them removed completely!
Bison have horns but all they want to do is eat grass! But God gave them horns because he knew the kings of the jungle would always be jumping on their back.
“one person with a gun can control one hundred people without a gun.” – sheds considerable light on why Lenin (and every other dictator in history just before they took power) confiscated guns away from the people.
The only way to keep government in order and limited in it’s power – is for the government to fear the people. Not fear violence – violence should be the absolute last resort for any people – but fear the people’s show of collective strength should they become tyrannical. This show of strength must always be there, as we see throughout history anywhere the people are rendered impotent (by removing their ability to protect themselves) at some point before or after – a dictator will come along.
“What have we got?” the woman said. “A republic Madam – if you can keep it.” The price of freedom really is eternal vigilance – this is no cliche. The government ought to be afraid to pass unconstitutional and laws which undermine the people they should be serving. We don’t need gun control, we need crime control. There are wars of aggression and wars of defence. If someone or some government comes to steal your possessions, they should be prepared for a fight.
Criminals don’t care about law – they only care about stealing and destroying. More laws will not stop criminals, but it will stop honest people from having freedom. It is not a spoon’s fault that some people become overweight – we must hack at the root cause of these problems – i.e the bad people themselves.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: