Really, I don’t read this anywhere in The Bible? It was exceedingly unconditional in the Old Testament where one was stoned just for not keeping God’s appointed holy day – the seventh day, and in the New Testament Jesus tells us plainly that thieves, murderers, adulterers and so on will not inherit the kingdom of God. That does not seem very unconditional.
Ahh.. I know what you’re thinking… that after Christ’s death is what we mean when we say His love is unconditional. OK well then we need to find that in the Bible if it’s true and remember, God never changes – perfection cannot change; “God is the same yesterday today and forever.” He was not hard one moment and all soft another so we need to square our thinking on this with The Bible. See if you can because I may be wrong!
God hated Esau
But God cannot hate?!!! Oh no?.. surely God’s right to hate what is bad? So hating something may sometimes be good! I assume we all hate illness and we all hate cancer! Would we be intolerant if we said that? So there are times when it is perfectly correct to hate something and of course other times when it’s not. Words have been seriously messed up by liberals. The Bible actually mentions the world ‘liberal’ and did you know it calls it evil. That’s quite hard to believe as liberalism sounds so warm and fuzzy and nice and ‘inclusive’ – but the reality it generally goes against God.
That does not sound very unconditional to me. Correct me if you disagree but I cannot find anywhere in the Bible where God says that He loves us unconditionally – in fact if he does love all of us unconditionally – Then why have a Bible at all – why have the ten commandments, why keep any laws or statutes or do anything good – since his love is un-conditional there are no conditions attached – then it is honestly quite futile to keep commands that He tells us not to bother keeping.
God hates sin
Fortunately for all of us God’s love is not unconditional – there are a whole bunch of conditions attached to Him loving us – in the sense that we love people like our friends and family.
The ONE love-gift that was fully unconditional
The unconditional love he has given us – is the death of His son Jesus – now THAT WAS unconditional love as he had absolutely no need and probably no desire to hang from a cross!
The problem in the church today
The weak, liberal, emotionally driven church of today (I misspelled that ‘crutch’ which might have been more applicable these days where ‘church’ seems more like a social club sandwiched between two rock concerts).
The REAL God and the REAL Gospel
That’s enough of me – I’ll let David Pawson, a much more meek and far more learned man that me explain what’s really gone wrong with todays’ church and today’s Christians (I include myself in this – it’s taken me many years of my own study to realise that we’ve been sold a lot of nonsense in modern churches – mainly because we live in a time of peace where philosophy, arts and liberalism flourish).
DO NOT be put off by this man’s meek appearance – He is a GAINT worth more listening time than 99% of modern preachers! He speaks truth precisely because he is old and has nothing to lose – no congregation to leave at his difficult message.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: