The 10 commandments pre-suppose that property can be private. And this is clearly seen in the command; “Thou shalt not steel” since one cannot steal something that does not belong to someone.
Socialism in my view, is theft. It is pre-supposing that it is OK to take something that belongs to someone who worked for it and give it to someone that didn’t work for it. That is stealing.
Now, of course there are people who cannot work, or who are disabled but nowhere in the Bible does it say we cannot employ charity… i.e give freely our wealth to others when we see a need – but it is never to be taken by force. God is a gentleman in all ways including in financial matters! The truth is we are commanded to give cheerfully and freely – totally at odds with the take and re-distribute model that control freaks and tyrannical governments like to employ whilst all the time they live lives of total luxury.
In fact, that is why many countries have a safety net – a financial level if under which any faind themselves, they are helped. Now this is a good thing to spend some of our tax money on but NOT to make a law to simply take it and redistribute it. No – we men are to redistribute our wealth to our families and it is not for the government to intervene in family life unless we are breaking a good honest law.
This kind of institution to stop people falling into dire poverty is a godly one. And within that is always the possibility to excel and lift yourself and others into a better life.
You Cannot Be Charitable Without Some Kind of Capital
You cannot give unless you have something you own to give. You cannot be charitable, unless you have something that is of value to give that you would rather hold on to. The anti-capitalism youth of today are like feminists, simply rebelling against the abuse of what was originally a good institution put there for our and their good. In the feminists case it is also mixed with rebellion against modern men that are simply not the men at all that God describes in the Bible in the form of Jesus – the one who we are to model ourselves after.
Jesus was tenacious, physically tough, honest, caring, sincere, protective, hard-working, self sacrificing. And most men today don’t even know what these virtues are. Love today is a preference for ice-cream of Britney Spears – not serving others.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: