A famous banker once said; “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws.”
Why is this related to the nationalism v globalism ‘debate’? It’s because at different levels in the human and especially political food chain, there are different, and even opposing levels of thought on this so-called issue.
A single global cashless monetary system will render borders and current ‘nationalism’ irrelevant – The Bible was right
On the ground level you have the masses worrying about football and baseball games, and issues like left, right, gay, straight, black white etc. Then on the political level you have career politicians – most of whom care nothing of race, gender or equality but are pretending to ‘fight’ these issues on our (the plebs) behalf and also over ‘nationalism’ versus ‘globalism’ as further entertainment and distraction for the masses (as if nationalism is some how bad when in fact, when it’s not being done just as en excuse to keep ‘foreigners’ out – which is wrong since we are all of mixed blood and foreigners to one degree or other) nationalism should simply be no more than pride in a counties good achievements, and it’s borders should be no more than a protection mechanism to keep out the few bad apples that have the power to ruin a nation, but should never be a supremacy / race or colour thing).
Then, while all the arguing and ‘debates’ (distractions) are going on at the lower levels pitting ‘race’ against ‘race’, black against white, man against woman, gay against straight, rich against poor, football against baseball, kneeling versus standing for the anthem, left against right, it’s all in the end irrelevant to the real powers that lie behind the career politicians.
Why? Because at the deepest or highest level depending on which angle you look at it, you have big business folks who care nothing about nations, states or even individuals (though they will pretend otherwise with grand philanthropic gestures and constant mantras about loving everyone and being inclusive when this is just being used a s vehicle to line their pockets further) who are the ones really in control. These are the people that pay politicians and fund campaigns to get the outcome they want for their business – and it nearly always works, though spectacularly failed just recently.
The so-called nationalism versus globalism ‘debate’ is just another tool in the hands of big business and bankers
As long as we are not looking at what they are doing, and endlessly debating amongst ourselves about anything but, these people are laughing; nationalism versus globalism or whateverism? – just let the people fight over it and all the while, we in the background are busy creating a borderless business world in which every transaction is digitally recorded, making every person, whether they like it or not, part of a single governing body – which we and our friends – the banks – will run. Let them have their pretend borders and nations they will be saying! We don’t care, as we have already created a borderless world in which everyone will be working for us.
You don’t need to erase borders to have a borderless world – we already have one coming into view
So now we already see our single, borderless ‘inclusive’ socialist world (where no one has a choice to opt out if they don’t like what they are seeing, with those in control of course exempt from the socialist part, having appointed themselves masters of the universe, experts at giving away other people’s money, and kindly mapping out for us – the un-enlightened one’s – destinies) and global government coming into view regardless of country names or drawn out state lines, with what were once real borders reduced to pseudo borders and pseudo ‘countries. It’s been the plan from the beginning, the reversal of God’s judgment on Babylon and men becoming God’s as mentioned in the Garden of Eden and written about and foretold in many other places in the Bible.
The Bible clearly says; we are all of one blood – and if we believe we were created in God’s image and all descended from Adman and Eve (it’s either that, or amoeba and monkeys – take your pick) and the Genome Project that corroborates the Bible’s explanation of us all descending from two people is anything to go by for all the science buffs – then we should believe the Bible, and realise that all these debates are no more than distractions from what’s going on under our noses.
Those with the money (or rather those that practice making it without doing any work by printing it and loaning it out at interest – a practice that until a few hundred years ago was forbidden everywhere) have for hundreds of years been planning the only world order in which they could possibly envisage having ‘peace’ without Jesus reigning in, and therefore keeping in check, the hearts of men, women and children – all be it a pseudo peace. One where they are in control of everything and everyone – and that would require being in control of one thing; every financial transaction – everywhere. Once this happens, and we’re almost there, ‘borders’ as we know them may exist physically, but will cease to have any meaning, and for all intents and purposes cease to exist.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)