End Times

The Global Currency is On It’s Way

As the Bible has told us for 2000 years a single world currency will come on the scene towards the end of days. And after a few false starts and experiments it’s just about ready to appear as a ‘solution’ to the world’s financial problems (even though the real problem is plainly that central bankers and banks have been given the power to print and lend money they don’t own at interest. The governments of the world should print and manage their own money – not private banks! Any numpty could predict this once illegal practice called fractional reserve lending would lead to bad and reckless investing since these bankers are dealing with other peoples money having been given an unfair advantage to profit via extortionate landing interest rates).

Whilst a single world currency sounds like a great idea and will be very much welcomed by all those that have not read their Bibles, or at least have no regard for what it tells us in terms of all power eventually being concentrated in a few hands, we as Christians who have read the scriptures have our eyes open, and are fully aware of why God prefers as his damage limitation plan to divide man’s powers, borders, currencies and languages in order to contain man’s ego and intimately taming or at least containing his sinful nature and the damage he would do to those under him if he ever gained total control as we have seen hints of with people like Hitler, Stalin and various other despots. The only difference is that now-days is the despots will employ better PR companies.

When you see this currency don’t fear but rejoice that the God of the Bible can be known as the true God because He is the only God that tells the future 100% accurately in advance.

Related topic: How do we Know What is The Mark of The Beast is?


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