29th June 2017.
For the last 15 years in my spare time and when I am well enough physically, I have been trying to write a book. So far I have only complete potions of it but it’s taking shape slowly. Anyway, the premise is that the powers that be create a single world order, under one single computer system I have called ‘The Arbiter’. Nothing new there.
However, this central A.I. computer is not only accessible by all folks on the planet (not being connected means you don’t eat) but becomes central legislation unit for the world – bypassing all human intervention in law and courts etc. No UN – no local of national courts, just the central brain takes care of all legal and ‘fairness’ decisions in regard to breaking the law, wealth, energy and food distribution. Socialism on steroids.
In other words this central computer becomes the arbitrator of all things that happen in the world, so that “no human error can occur” – and that all decisions from this point on can be deemed ‘impartial’ and ‘fair’.
It will be claimed that this computer has all knowledge and wisdom and is necessary so that no one religion, country, bank, government, company or person will have a monopoly on truth and fairness – only this one ‘all knowing’ computer. A sort of wikipedia for law, history, morality, energy, food, happiness, religion and everything else on steroids x 10 billion.
Rebuilding Babylon
Of course most of this single monetary and governmental single world order is foretold in the Bible, but the part that is not described in detail is this central brain – ‘the arbiter’ as I call it in my book or ADAMII – that is coming – that is specifically designed to arbitrate free from human intervention and ‘error’.
The truth of course, is that someone will have to be in charge of this computer – as much as they’d like to pretend that it’s impartial and safe – someone or some group will have control. This is where the problem occurs, and why its a bad idea. We all know that too much power in too few hands always end in corruption – and in this case – in one global interconnected computer system running and making decisions on everything – is ultimately open to total corruption. Sure they will try to put fail-safes in place – but it will only work for a time. Ultimately it will become for the people that created it – a monster from which they can never escape.
The well-meaning idea is that computers will eventually be infallible. Well, unfortunately the only form of governance on earth with fallible men and yes fallible computers will ever work – and has ever worked long-term, is the wisdom of real conscience of real minds – not the manufactured fake conscience of some self-learning machine posing as a mind, and limited power to limited people . Yes, it appears in man’s unquenchable quest to be Gods, we are travelling inexorably towards world peace, fairness and freedom – but unfortunately it will be enforced peace, enforced fairness, and enforced freedom – in other words – total enslavement.
Without God, and Jesus’ commission for us to take personal – individual responsibly to care for our neighbours, enforced socialism – i.e forcefully taking from the haves and have-nots, is the only possible answer to the worlds problems – and hence is the globalists preferred option of governance for everyone (but them)
Real freedom is where people are free to choose, and separation of powers is always God’s way to preserve order – at least on this earth where men are concerned. Hence foolish men like Elon Musk and Facebook’s founder (and inventor of the world’s biggest waste of human resources) believe a ‘perfect’ computer is the answer.
The socialist globalists of course, will stay firmly put in their walled ivory towers with bottomless bank balances, while enforcing socialism on the rest of us
But then men have always wanted to usurp the ways and place of God, from Eden, to Babylon, to the EU and all the hair-brained schemes to create a single world order. One exception is the United States of America which was set up from it’s inception under Godly principles – and despite all her faults and misdemeanours of subsequent politicians, in two hundred years became the most blessed and prosperous nation on the planet.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)