Hi, I own Fusion101.com Christian singles service and most reviews on the site are very good. However I just saw a review of Fusion101.com free Christian dating service and could not believe how vindictive and frankly downright dishonest some people and some website owners can be in order to get ahead and put down what they see as ‘competition‘ – or basically dating sites and services that eat into their profit.
Fusion101 currently has around 355,000 vetted single Christian profiles and is very successful at what it does – matching people who love God (check out some of the real marriage stories on the site – here’s a few of 100’s UK marriages – I don’t know a single free site with this kind of track record). See a few of 100’s international marriages here >>
Despite it’s good intentions, fusion has suffered many things over 15 years, including failed attempts to overload the site and bring down the server, failed attempts to hack the site, an entire section of the content – 100’s of pages of it’s website articles duplicated and put op on a competitor domain that linked to one of the main stream dating sites (this was a common practice to get other people’s traffic in the early days of SEO and Match.com – the place where these articles then pointed – probably did not even know what their SEO company had done most likely – either way the site was taken down when Fusion101 complained to Yahoo/Google etc), also the site has had attempted and failed hijacks by web developers keen to get their hands on the service.
The worst I have seen was a Christian couple and ‘web development’ company that actually copied the entire site front end (design/layout) code (not the database I must add as that is not visible to malicious persons… the front-end of most websites can be downloaded via a web browser) and recoloured the front end and put this up on freechristiandatingsite.org – and when this person was challenged – after first denying the accusation was unable to wriggle out of it any more when it was pointed out that their site contained all fusion101.com’s bad spelling mistakes and grammar (it was created in a rush cheaply in a bedroom) they finally confessed, said sorry but never took the site down!
Anyway – the latest may take the cake. This ‘review’ of Fusion101 free Christian dating site claims that fusion101 is a “total waste of time site with no useful features”. Now I really hope and suspect that the person that wrote or commissioned this ‘Fusion101 Review’ is not a Christian (though judging from the above one cannot be sure) because if they are not – I guess one has to expect underhand tactics but if they are Christians?.. help!
The review site that I will not name basically lies about the reality of Fusion101.com – that is and has been the most popular, and yes – most successful free Christian dating service anywhere on the web when it comes to matchmaking real Christian marriages – and I suspect that is the problem for the article writer – fusion101 needs to be stopped. If you are in any doubt that fusion101.com is the most successful site at creating Christian marriages just take a look at s few of their real marriage testimonies. Remember these are a tiny fraction of the testimonials.
Fusion101 has real people on its website helpline you can talk to! What dating site can you actually call and speak to a human?
So – now that you know the truth about fusion101 – that free in this case really does not mean low quality service or members, as with virtually all other free dating sites that are in fact useless as the profiles are not vetted and most are fake (did you know there are companies that will sell you 20,000 fake profiles for your dating site!?).
Fusion101 is Christian owned and run with it’s members at heart – indeed – it was created to help church singles – not fleece the flock. If you think free means not good as it normally does granted – then you must take a look at Fusion101 as this review tells the truth! Please try it for yourself (there are n charges, free trials or credit card needed ever) – then help me help singles and recommend it to all your single friends at church as a genuine site and service you can really trust.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)