Some early investors of the incredible waste of our most precious commodity – time – that is known as Facebook, have ‘come out’ to tell us with stunned silence – what we all knew already; that Facebook – ie virtual relationships progenitor is stunting – no – stopping altogether the ability for humans to have normal – one-to-one relationships. I wish these tech geniuses were more savvy when it came to common sense.
Now genius Elon Musk is telling us something else the rest of us have known for decades – especially Christians – that computers if given enough power with take us over – or in this case – be given power to take us over (because they are a billion times clever right?). Oh – I suppose they forgot to mention the fact that knowledge and wisdom (silicon valley folks might want to look up the second word) are as far apart as east and west – something Einstein and Tesla knew – but they don’t seem to.
I have been writing a science fiction book for fifteen years (I get little time to work on it though it’s not far from completion – I’ll give you a link to it at some point) whereby the ‘clever enlightened ones’ build a machine that is eventually given power over the people to ‘arbitrate’ all affairs – why? since it has access to all knowledge – I guess like a giant wikipedia. Hmm.. I wish I’d got my book out earlier but never mind – better late than never.
AI god: the ‘new’ idea we were told about years ago in the Bible
They choose this machine as their ‘god’ since they reason people will not bow to fallible humans – The premise is the people must give their allegiance to the machine – the beast – the image – in order to participate in society – namely to buy and sell – to eat. And where did I get this idea? From some silicon valley genius who has just proclaimed his great ‘new idea’ to build a new religion around an AI machine? (true) – no – from a little unenlightened old man that wrote an obselete book 2000 years ago called Revelations.
“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”
It’s ironic that these guys are so clever and have so much knowledge – but failed to read about themselves and their masterful ‘invention’ in this ancient book. That or they are using it as their textbook, and simply rebelling against it’s warnings the book makes for humans not to take this route – which I wouldn’t put past them.
It’s the yellow brick road – with a false god under a cloak at the end it
So it’s clear what the AC’s strategy will be; he will use technology as the means to say – no one has any excuse not to bow down to this thing (him and his buddies – the ten kings and the other hangers-on being in charge of it) since it is a billion times cleverer than a man. They will pretend it has a conscience which it will not – only the real God can fuse living matter with spirit. And anyone that doesn’t not bow down to it (and him indirectly being in charge of it) – its “putting a stumbling block in front of other humans and their well-being.” I can hear it now – it’s so old news.
Of course – as in all socialist systems, he and his cronies a few levels down the pyramid will be exempt from it’s decrees and pay lip service to them as usual – after all – they are doing this for our, and the planet’s good – “we and the planet have no option,” they will say – “ADAMII (the ‘god’ in my book) told us so,” until as described in the Bible, God Himself (capital ‘H’) decides He’s let this game of ‘who can run the worst – most corrupt form of government‘ run for enough millennia, to end this man-made madness once and for all.
These young guys and gals ((who it has to be said, do have amazing talent, expertise and are very clever (despite my sarcasm – apologies) – if only they would tap into the wisdom and truth that was also written down for them in the Bible – Lord please bless them and open their eyes) have no idea what they are doing – with zero focus on wisdom – and only an unquenchable thirst for more, and more, and more knowledge as the key to solving man’s problems, when as the Bible tells us plainly – the problem is in man’s heart, and these are but band-aids to the issues we face. Jus sayin’ ahead of time so we’re not caught out.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: