I would expect ordinary folks who have not had the time to sit down to really ponder this and other age-old ‘problems’ like it – not because they couldn’t figure out the answer (as I did as a teenager and I know do others) – they are probably too busy surviving and paying the bills. But to ask the questions Epicurus asked and come up with the answers he did (see the image below) is quite scary to think he is considered a great mind. Yet clearly he does have a great mind – so what’s up?
Epicurus’ questions and answers reminds me of the schoolboy question I have heard asked by a 1000 learned folks; who created God? Regarding suffering and pain Stephen Fry says; “bone cancer in children.. then this is a capricious – mean-minded – stupid God!” Now I know he will say he doesn’t believe in God – but I don’t believe him. I concede I may be wrong, and stand to be corrected – but I’ve seen these recurring questions and answers too many times from predictably similarly learned people and I think there is a reason for it.
Demanding “proof of God” means one feels justified in forever sitting on the fence (except it doesn’t follow – and God won’t give it)
I believe Stephen Fry (and Epicurus for that matter) do believe in God – but are attempting (again IMHO) to suppress what we all know to be must be true. After all – it is really scary to consider why an all-powerful God may have deliberately ‘allowed’ pain and suffering to occur in this world. But perhaps there is an answer – it’s just not along the lines we humans would normally want to consider. But we must face hard and horrible realities head-on – isn’t that the grand rule of science that Stephen and folks like him rightly demand we stick to? After all – evil is here, and here to stay for now at least – and pretending it’s not is a bad idea if we not to repeat mistakes of the past.
I love Stephen Fry..
Stephen Fry appears goes along with Epicurus (though I’m not sure he really does for reasons already mentioned) and certainly appears by his body language and anger to know and believe that God must exist (this is very clear from creation – however it was done – and the sheer beauty he sees around him – hence his somewhat righteous anger at the pain he and others experience) and we can tell this from his anger towards God. However – I don’t really want to be mean about Stephen as he IS brilliant and has a great gifting for thought, and wit, and writing and many other talents.
I believe Epicurus and Stephen do know the answer
The problem is – I figured out the answer to this without reading any philosophy books – or knowing anything about the Bible or other teachings when I was in my teens – so why can’t these folks? The truth is – I think they can and have and do know the answers – but choose to play dumb – hoping there is safety in numbers (let’s face it – his answer is the most common answer).
But God isn’t like people – he doesn’t change his policies just because lots of folks signed an large earthly petition. Forget the bible for w minute – even Margaret Thatcher warned us to beware of ‘the consensus’ – ie it’s usually wrong! His truth on the other hand is the same yesterday, today and forever and will NEVER change. There is no such thing as progressive thinking in heaven. What was right was always right and what was wrong was always wrong.
Either way – denying the creation of God from what is clearly visible clearly demonstrates what C.S.Lewis told us – that Hell will locked from the inside. The answer is not to pretend. This is illustrated by his last sentence in this clip.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)