I can’t stand labels or boxes to put people or ideas in – Calvinism – this-ism or that-isim. Isms seem like a recipe for disaster as soon as you invent and assign them you instantly create a division. But I realise sometimes we need them – just like borders to define and mark out where one thing starts and another stops. Either way I have always thought there is some paradox with ordination of saints, being elected ahead of time and yet having apparent complete control over whether we accept God’s solution for mankind or not. Indeed the biggest mystery to me has always been – why would anyone NOT want a gracious loving sacrificial God to exist as depicted in the Bible? But I decided the answer must be – because how many people want to be judged according to your deeds in the body?
I for a while have thought along the following lines regarding predestination (perhaps different from pre-determination since one can be pre-destined for somewhere and not arrive – but pre-determined to arrive somewhere and you will always arrive as it’s been fixed ahead of time). Thinking myself quite rational and forward thinking (uh-oh) I wrote out in a minute when it came to mind the paragraph below – and was rather pleased with it’s succinct summary of what might have happened and why;
When someone is elected or chosen or ordained it is always done based on some merit achieved not study some display of virtue or eagerness to do good. Could it be that God who sees the beginning from the end ordained those whom he saw a earnestly seemed out truth and justice and fed the poor and loved him? So then all that remains is the gift of faith and it is just that. When someone complains why should one man be given this gift and others not – simply ask if he wishes to receive it and he will. Likely say no. The twin lies the only paradox – why any man would not want this free gift.
I think I’ll leave it to the professionals…
And then just like out of the blue God created the heavens and the earth – literally a moment after I put down the pen I stumbled across A.W.Pink and learned he created; The Sovereignty of God. As I listened to this amazing audiobook (I recommend this for The KJV Bible also to get a much more complete picture) I was sceptical even some way in to the book – but as I compared what he said with the scriptures he quoted – he began to win me over to what I’ve never wanted to accept – that perhaps God has chosen us before-hand – and it’s that simple. After listening to the book – though I thought I might be a step ahead of the curve – I soon realised (again) I was a bit of a fool, and as always these things had been thought out long before I was born – by much greater minds and people who really knew their bibles.
But I may have been right about one thing according to Pink – that is, that the second biggest mystery is why God chooses to give some the gift of faith and not others. i’m not keen on this from my human materialistic standpoint, but the only thing that gives me comfort is that when offered this free amazing gift on a platter of Jesus and his truthful statements and the gift of forgiveness (it seems to me even if it were 100% provably true) – those that don’t have it, don’t wan’t it – and in a sort of circular way – so they are not deprived of anything because in the eternal paradox it it always there – a free gift for the taking.
So just like when I look out at the stars and see the real-live paradox of the cosmos and where it sprang from (having apparently no beginning or end and yet all things ‘should’ have a beginning and end from a human material standpoint) before me – perhaps I should never be surprised to find them everywhere where God is concerned – for if He was God – He would be unknowable by definition from a human material standpoint – or not be God.
This book explains many many things in beautiful detail comparing scripture with scripture.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)