I find my life has been a never-ending battle with men’s egos. Give me a day when I can sit down with my brothers and sisters and play music with, be in a band with, start a business with, do things generally without having to tread on the eggshells of mens egos, always getting into problems over who has credit for this or that, or who deserves recognition for this or that – that day when none of this is important – that day will be my idea of heaven.
But before you think what a hypocrite – yes you’re right – I’m just as guilty myself, but I have at least tried as best I can to address the never-ending and never completely resolved issue of self (albeit reluctantly over the past 30 years) and learned to tame my ego (the truth is God chastised and brought my ego under control forcibly because He knew I loved Him, yet was unable in my own flesh to take this most terrible of terrible beasts that I have come to realise (it’s already in the Bible as the reason for Lucifer’s fall) is the cause of all wars, famines, pestilences, in fact all sin starts of life as vanity – self aggrandisement – putting self first before others.
The problem with men (and some but far fewer women), is that we all want to be God’s in our own lunch breaks and as The Bible described as the reason for the fall of Lucifer and men in eden (of course the new-age ‘enlightened’ and ‘progressive’ Christians – surely a contradiction in terms? – probably don’t believe in eden any more) – and accurately predicted as characterising man’s last days – this idea is now entering the church via many wolves in sheep’s clothing as something to once again embrace – as if God will endorse the very thing He cursed the Devil and mankind for seeking and embracing.
Speak for yourself you say?.. well it may be true that you also have with God’s help brought your ego under control (nothing is evil in and of itself right according to the Bible… not even money – just the love of) but never think it’s complete. And I’m not talking about emptying yourself of any pleasure like the Hindus and Buddhists – forever searching for nothingness and oneness with nothing (I mean does that even make sense?). God loves you and loves the things you create and seek to achieve if the goals are godly and edify people – getting rid of all creativity is as far from what God wants as you can get – but getting rid of the ego and mini (and in some cases huge) ‘God complexes’ we all suffer from and normally goes with creativity (though there is nothing new under the sun – all comes from and is inspired by God) to varying degrees – that’s what we need to make the world happier. Jesus modelled this for us.
The Problem is that with men generally and ungodly men, is that the more they ‘succeed’ (of course Jesus’ definition of success is totally different to most people’s including mine for a long time) the more they feel they deserve that success and that they were the sole architects of it. Not knowing that they are by placing themselves in the rightful place of God – by declaring in their own lunch times to me mini-Gods – setting themselves up for a huge fall from grace. Just look at the pop ‘stars’ – living and dead that litter the halls of ‘fame’ and graveyards – fame mostly for all the wrong reasons, yet we even as Christians still go after the same old goals and aspirations as they do despite Jesus warnings – even when we know it will lead to nothing of any real lasting value.
Come on brothers and sisters (especially brothers) – let’s all seek to become more self-less and giving of our gifts and blessings and selves and time (perhaps the hardest one of all) by seeking the river of living water over fame and fortune and recognition, so others can stop having to walk on the egg-shells of our egos and we can all be hundred times more productive in the process!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)