We have to say though, that the reason we got it wrong, unlike the talking heads, was because we cynically did not believe that honesty would abound, and the system was too corrupt. The talking heads however were quite happy that the system was corrupt, so long at the person who would protect them and their interests got in. So love or hate The Donald – it was a great day for democracy and proves it’s still the best form of government (or the “worst of all forms of government except all the others” as Churchill said! Actually the best form is a democratic republic as we see in the USA where powers are separated and therefore a form of damage limitation – and why the globalists hate it).
So it is now somewhat amusing that people like CCN and NBC and all the other people in ‘the know’ tout themselves in great intros to their news channels with phrases like; “we are the experts” and “we will break down the real news for you” – the lot of them – all of them – got it totally wrong.
Why? Because they were smugly backing Hillary because they believed hers’ and their power to sway elections was so powerful that it was a foregone conclusion. I now actually feel sorry for them watching them this morning, with their tails firmly between their legs, and big opinionated mouths firmly shut.
Brexit II: The people have spoken
But the sleeping giant that pays their excessive wages awakened – the American people – and slapped them in the face and told them to sit down and shut up and listen to us – the people!
It seems that when times are good people vote with their emotions. When times are bad and corruption reaches tipping point, thankfully nothing a rich politician can do will stop a country that has had enough and the people eventually vote with their minds.
The fact is, people should never be voting for a person just because she is a woman, or just because a man is black, or just because a person represents a minority group, or even just because they are left or right. People should vote because the person they are voting for is saying what is right and true, and because they have their country and it’s people at heart (or not as the case may be). We should be asking; do they really love their country and what it has given them?
This proves the main stream media have no longer have anything useful to say
Regardless of weather Donald is a good guy or a bad guy, it’s clear the people no longer want biased news, corruption in Washington and endless wars and no matter how much money you pump into it – you can no longer buy your way into the Whitehouse.
It remains to be seen if The Donald – not known for always being a saint, will actually do what he said he will do and drain the swamp.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)