I heard yesterday that Iran have finally managed to prepare their warheads needed to “wipe Israel off the map.” They still have the task of mounting them on delivery missiles – isn’t this what Russia was helping with as they were supplying missiles to Iran I read a year or so ago – I am not sure.
So rightly or wrongly Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu was not joking when he drew his little red drawing of a bomb at the U.N. and said that the world had very limited time to stop them from using their bombs. The strangest thing is that out of all the world leaders this man seems the most level headed, sincere and the least interested in political manoeuvring and personal status.
Of course all this plays beautifully into the hands of those against Israel which is most of the known world. This fear that will result from possible and actual attacks is perfectly timed to usher in the single world system which as we all know sooner or later the masses will be begging for. In fact only today my friend was saying that’s what we need – “more surveillance to stop the world’s problems” and in one sense he is right – this is the only way to bring peace. But does the ends always justify the means?
How stupid can one get knowing the trouble the founding fathers went to give us freedom of speech, religion and thought to ask the powers that be to remove this – not realising that this freedom was what the relative peace of america and the west was built on.
God does say; “of you forget me I will forget you” – and hand you over to your enemies (just as He did with his own people Israel) and it looks like we’ve come to that point.
Let’s hope when we’ve handed all the fences and hedges put there to protect us from bad government and oppressive religious rulers, lone wolves, thieves and robbers, when we’ve handed all our weapons, sovereignty, freedoms of speech, religion and thought to the government, that some tyrant does not ever get the reigns to that power.
I say this tongue in cheek as of course we know from The Bible which always spells out coming events in perfect timing and order and history (which ALWAYS repeats itself as man is lazy and the price of freedom is never-ending vigilance) that it’s only a matter of time once the government itself has thrown God under the bus and promoting his abolishment. Brace yourselves!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)