Thoughts today..
Dear all 101ChristianMagazine readers and members of our network. Lets love each other and accept people where they are at. I would like to suggest that it’s ok to have different opinions and views on theology – but let’s recognise Theology for what it is – doctrines of men – trying to make sense of the Bible.
Nothing wrong with that to some degree but I do NOT belive all views can be right or that all opinions and doctrines lead to God – some are wrong (including my own I have no doubt as my understanding grows every day) and lead people away from the light. If you are unsure about a preacher or teaching and want to know, get a Bible and ask the Holy Sprit as He “will teach you all things!” as it says in The Bible.
Of course we must be aware of false teachers and false doctrines and prosperity teachers and health and wealth nonsesne – look at Christ’s life if you are in any doubt about the falshoods there as we are clearly called to emmulate him and pick up our crosses. In a very short while… much shorter than mist of us realized it would be, our faith and where we hold our treasure will soon be tested in a way we in the West have never had to be tested before for many hundreds of years – so stay strong and don’t waver in your faith – God loves faith as it shows what your heart really desires (precisely because you havent seen it yet you still yern for it). And thank God our faith isn’t blind and that he gave us many witnesses to events of the past.
The good news is we do not need to worry about having perfect doctrine – i’e having everything in neat little boxes as humans seem to love to do so they feel secure (and that’s been me for sure for many years). The good news is that as long as we stay in God’s light and are open to learn something new that sometimes we don;t want to hear – He will correct our errors – and NO ONE has all their doctrines and theology right – that would be like having all all the light – and it’s my view that God in his wisdom has made it that way for a reason lest we become prideful and baost and utlimately decide we don’t need his word but ultimately so we must depend on and give to each other.
At at this late hour we should not fight (Bible says avoid debate) or tear into each other like animals but educate and enlighten each other and seek to search deeper ourselves with the Bible and The Holy Sprirt leading and separating truth from lie. Yes teaching videos are great but hold onto them lighlty and verify everything you see and hear by asking God and comparing with the Bible. God bless you all.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: