
Do We Speak Up About Lies or Keep Quiet?

It does not help when your commander in chief is a lawbreaker himself – signing into ‘law’ one illegal executive order after another – something never heard of in the history of The United States of America. I’m referring to the imaginary ‘debate’ in the USA about gun ‘control’ and wether or not taking away guns from the ordinary responsible man and woman and introducing so-called ‘gun-free-zones’ – something that sounds laughable – or must do to your average criminal – will stop all these college killings. The fact is – that Americans in the largest proportion actually DON’T want gun control – but we are being told they do – yep another lie. So what are the facts?

No public, political policy or law will ever stop crime, because law breakers do not keep laws – the problem is men

OK I get why people in the UK have been brought up on the presupposition that America is bad because America has guns – and that America has crime because America has guns, and I have to admit I thought the same until I actually researched WHY Americans were allowed to bear arms in the first place. Something that seemed so alien having grown up in the UK.

For instance, the Americans were fleeing tyranny of England, where a corrupt church was meddling in the already corrupt government, and the founding fathers wanted to make absolute certain the new ‘americans’ would never be threatened by a future tyrannical government again. In other words – were these the first and last leaders in history to actually put the people’s needs before their own by insisting that they arm themselves (for defensive purposes only) and ‘rise up’ if they ever encountered a government run by men more bent on power that freedom? Sounds familiar doesn’t it.

Tighter gun regulation perhaps – outlawing guns?.. no!

But could it be that the very reason America became the greatest and most free nation on earth (until it threw out the Bible and The 10 Commandments from it’s schools, homes and military services) is precisely because of it’s decision at it’s inception to allow it’s citizens near total freedom – and in fact made it part of the constitution to insist that it was the people’s right to bear arms and their duty to use those arms to depose any tyrannical government, or tyrant that overstepped or abused his or her political power?

Someone has to start speaking the truth on this matter

Before we parrot the endlessly trotted out line; ‘guns are bad’, we must find out why guns were allowed by the incredibly intelligent founding fathers in the first place. We must also learn that right before 17 of the world’s genocides – the despots in question confiscated the people’s arms under the premise of this making the masses safer and less at risk from criminals. It happened in 1935 and history always repeats itself. “If we learn one thing from history” someone said – “it’s that we never learn from history!”

If you were a criminal, who would you rob? An armed or unarmed citizen?

Now – if you are serious about learning more about this subject, and the real cause of violence, just listen to this small-time pastor take this subject apart with common sense and Bible scripture that you will never hear from Washington, to come to the a sensible conclusion on this matter – and for once, tell us the truth on this matter.

The solution to all the world’s problems in less than a minute

Yep – the solution to all the world’s problems is so simple it’s laughable that all these ‘debates’ go on at all, and organisations, scientists and economists are paid untold millions to carry out pointless surveys and money-wasting ‘research’ to find the cause of problems with our societies when the problem and solution have been described perfectly and simply for us for thousands of years before a depression or drug or rehabilitation clinic was ever opened.

Here is that solution; put the ten commandments BACK on the wall in every home, workplace, school, university, office, law court and prison so every person on the planet can read these 10 simple and largely easy to keep commandments every day, let them seep into the minds of our children and adults (most of whom are far worse than children), our judges, our parents, our teachers and politicians and society, and over a period of time, 98% of the problems in society will ‘miraculously’ go away.

But wait, that will put 98% of the bureaucrats, lawyers, social researchers, scientists, psychologists, psychiatric doctors and big-pharma companies out of business!? So the Bible was right again – the love of money is in fact the root of all evil.


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