I want to say; what do you think? But I’m a Christian and need to be nice. So let me say then something straight from the Bible – you know that dusty old book full of errors, cliches and contradictions that cannot be relevant today, yet has best tried in the fire seven times and tested for 1000’s years and been proved to be right in every bit of wisdom it says – always;
“The love of money says The Bible, is the root of ALL evil.”
Well I’ll be blowed – it’s right again! Don’t think so? OK – trace all evils back to their source and you will find in deed – it is in fact the love of money – of riches, coveting your neighbour’s goods or land that is the root of all evil (apart from the the father of lies himself of course – but the Bible is talking about evil on earth).
It is money alone that allows this coveting and desire for more and more – and more to be quenched. But of course it is never quenched and if not checked – a desire to have money to live – easily become a love of money to gain more and more! Anyway – how did I end up there? Oh yes – it was the strange concept that the pharmaceutical industry may have a love affair with money too – and that this might be associated with the way they operate and the research they conduct, tests they carry out, and ultimately the type of ‘cures’ they choose not to – and to release.
Did you know, the Average Diabetic is Worth $180,000 to the pharmaceutical industry. There is simply no point financially for the share holders to invest in a pharma-company that keep curing people! What do you think the statin market is all about? Now they even want to give this horrendous drug to children. I’ve seen it ruin the lives of two people who can no longer walk properly and now need more drugs to counteract this drug which doesn’t even do what it says on the tin – namely stop people from dying of strokes. It actually stops 1 in 100 people from dying of heart attacks because it has an anti-inflammatory property that is rarely discussed!
This business of managing and not curing people is very similar to how a witch doctor operates – he doesn’t want you healed and operates through fear of death and dying – he wants you coming back for more and more. He makes $$$ from your illness. The witch doctor lives in a world of potions, snakes and never-ending ladders
In the same way many religions want you coming back for more of their particular brand of faith for ‘healing’. Its a big industry.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)