Well my answer (and as always, it’s just my humble opinion) is no. Why? Well let’s look at the reasons why different religions are popular – or at least have many adherents – and compare that – rather than the numbers themselves. Then we might be able to see why we have so many Christians, Buddhists, Sikhism, Muslims etc and what makes them ‘popular’.
Knowing Islam and the Quran, one would expect it have the most adherents all over the world, as it was, and is in some places still propagated by the sword, in combination with the promise of a large number of pleasures of the flesh in paradise (unlike the spiritual joys promised in Christianity once one enters heaven – the only physical pleasure promised a being lack of physical suffering), plus the average muslim has ten children, and is allowed a maximum of four wives at any one time – i.e they can have twenty or more wives over lifetime. For example, Bin laden had over fifty siblings.
Likewise – you would expect Buddhism to be extremely popular all over the world, because not only are people sick of other people’s sin and the suffering caused by it all over the world, is appeals to individual people’s desire not be judged by, or be accountable to a single personal God for that sin – which we all know inside we are guilty of. In fact it’s a very attractive religion in these aspects. My flesh likes it very much and would rather like to be aBuddhist myself in order to avoid judgement. Much better to make your mistakes and ‘have another go’ – even better as a cat, or a mouse, or a termite, again and again until you get it right and become ‘perfect’. I mean who could be judgemental against an ant, or a person that is doing their best and in any case to reach perfection – he will get there in the end right? Not according to the Bible – the problem is sin itself which is only a problem in human beings.
Now the Sikhs I know are some of the most lovely – giving people I have ever met. More so than most Christians I have met. In fact ironically Christians, having gained the assurance of salvation completely forget their greatest commission – to love their neighbours not with lip-service as most Christians understand love to be – but actually physically caring for their neighbours as I have found my (real) Sikh next door neighbours care for me.
But again – perhaps some of this is to do with the fact that Sikhism like other religions is about men working towards God and perfection – not God having already come to us Himself with the problem – sin – and the only possible solution – Jesus – God in flesh paying the atonement Himself – as with Christianity. As a religion Sikhism is similar to other religions in the regard that it does not have a doctrine of a single judgmental God who requires payment for sins. Who wants to be judged and actually pay the full and fair price for their sins on earth? Not me if I’m honest!
No – let me rather construct a religion in my own image that gives me the level of judgment I prefer (none) and feel I can adhere to that – a bit like selecting a pay as you go mobile phone package that suits you. Much better for there to be no one particular God – let’s have a 1000 or 10,000 and then when I meet God I will say; “who could know which was the right God?” This pic-and-mix description of religions is not a veiled insult at them – because of all religions – Christians are the worst at picking and mixing when it comes to matching the bits of the Bible they like with their lifestyle – and throwing out the bits that don’t – out. I do it – we all do it – we will all continue to do it – its why we need saving in the first place.
But in the end – all of the above religions share one thing in common. They are all serving impersonal God’s and man’s attempt to create God in his own image – or no have a God at all in some cases – or to reach God and have Him accept us by our good behaviour – weighing up our good deeds over our bad ones – something that The Bible says is not possible – and a perfection man can never do of his own strength. In essence these religions are man trying to reach God, or Godhood on his own steam.
The total contrast to all of the above – in fact all other religions on earth – is fortunately or unfortunately however you look at it – Christianity. First, you would NEVER expect Christianity to anywhere, as from the beginning, rulers tried to extinguish with all the power of the state, and this has been repeated over and over by various dictators around the globe. Christians are promised not a life of Nirvana, but to be persecuted burned Christians, and Christianity appeals no one in the natural, as you are accountable to a judgmental God. Anyone that adhere’s to it – frankly has to be nuts – either that or they recognise and love the truth when they see it, and truth comes above personal comfort or the promise of 72 virgins, or coming back as a mouse to have another go at being good etc etc.
There are many things that make religions other than Christianity likeable and ‘popular’ or large in size in terms of adherents – propagation by force in some cases, promises of great worldly pleasures and treasures in heaven, many attempts at being good, good deeds cancelling out bad deeds, and escape from judgement altogether in many cases.
Christianity on the other hand goes against all the rest in the following respects; it offers one go at living a good life; it promises one judgement by one personal God; persecution from friends family and colleagues and state – often till death; giving up love of life and this world; loving one spouse only, come rain or shine; one chance at salvation, and has been opposed by everyone and anyone since it’s inception. With everything and the whole world against it, no earthly gratifications promised, and no authority in it’s scriptures given to spread it by force, this religion’s power and spread can only have come about by the power of God Himself.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)