
Did Luther Start The Reformation?

Lighting The Touch Paper

Well yes in the general sense – but technically no, as like Charles Darwin, who made public an idea that his relatives had been considering for some time before him and so is credited with ‘discovering’ evolution (the only possible alternative to creation so far from a clever theory – one species must turn into another if God didn’t create them fully formed right?!), similarly Luther lit the tinder that had already been smouldering for decades around the issue of the ways in which the Catholic church were conducting ‘business’ (a very apt term as it happens then and still now) and made public his views and those of the collective reformers of the day!

That is not to take away from Luther in any way – this was one BRAVE MAN to stand up to Rome who called him a heretic for suggesting the Popes should not be charging people money to be forgiven their sins! A real man!

The Story of Martin Luther Church Reformer – Full Movie

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