Thought for The Day

Can’t Delete My Facebook? If Only We Could Delete Facebook

I always thought Twitter was absolutely dreadful – just utterly inane – until it begun to be used for news tweets – it’s one redeeming feature – but then really – are our lives really richer because we now know in less that 2 seconds exactly how many people have just been killed in a Jihadist bombing in Paris? I’m sorry but I think not. In fact, I will be happy to argue that TwitFace – or Twitster or whatever it’s called – and sites like it are exacerbating the problems in the world by giving instant coverage and exposure to more monsters than we ever even knew existed, when we were once more than happy with our 3 channels or pre-programmed TV and these people didn’t get so much as a second of exposure. Call me a misery-guts but I think it’s true.

If they (if you ever figure out who ‘they‘ are – let me know) could guarantee that tomorrow the whole Internet be thrown in the bin and we all return to a normal existence – you know – real, face to face, caring relationships with our local friends and families and neighbours rather than 10,000 superficial silly virtual ones with people 1000’s miles away we pretend we care about but really don’t – I would gladly throw my iPad, iPod, iMac, iPhone in the skip in a heartbeat – if I have a heart left after years of wasting my precious time, energy and brain on TwitFace.. or was it Twitup?

Well now they’ve really gone and done it. They now tell us Facebook – the world’s silliest and inane website is about to become the world’s largest virtual graveyard as they say that up to a million people on Gravebook die every year and this grim lot don’t even allow you to delete the accounts of the dead – let alone the living – so the profile page is like some kind of tombstone – unreal!

I would point out however that Facetomb has always been the world’s largest graveyard – full of virtually brain-dead people with nothing better to do than compare themselves to others and write inane nonsense about their latest holiday or latte or salad – substance so thin it’s more akin to this article (I don’t normally wrote such trash – honestly). Did you know that research has ‘discovered’ (like we couldn’t have guessed) that “people that use Facecompare are more unhappy than those that don’t, because they are constantly forced to compare their lifestyle and achievements with others and rarely feel like they measure up.”

Look – why don’t we, instead of deleting our Facebook (why don’t people ever say the word ‘account’ after saying that?), let’s be really done with it and delete Facespook altogether and replace it with something useful to man and beast.

Here’s the article that claims Faceyard is fast becoming the world’s largest virual cemetary – now that’s a cool idea for a social network with a twist. You could bid for a prime location on Twitcemetry, though I can’t see their being much user interaction on my wall. Mark – where are your savvy web financiers?

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