I’m looking at some ‘Christian magazines’ and it’s full of old school Christian self-help articles – like how you can get richer with three easy prayers kind of stuff – and I myself am guilty of writing some on less money-orientated subjects like navigating the Christian life when the entire world is swimming in the other direction. Now all this has moved to YouTube – or MeTube as I like to call it.
Meanwhile while we’ve all been asleep or imagining that escaping the EU’s dreadful clutches will be a new millennia of freedom – the world has already been taken over while we slept by tech companies and businessmen – just as my little self, countless more learned (real) writers and even a few presidents said would happen. I have to laugh a bit at Nigel Farrage on his latest video saying “he never thought we’d regain our sovereignty and now it’s happened!” (even though I greatly admire him at the same time – he’s really got **lls to go up against that godless entity) – when the entire world is already owned by big business and has been for some time.
You see Nigel it can’t be stopped for one simple reason – every man has his price – and when you offer any man, be he an electrician, politician, or businessman or tech titan £££ rewards they cannot refuse they will do anything – even a good man (well 90% of them) – just look at our giant do-no-evil search engine friend ‘working with China’s CCP’ – as if any normal person could do that in good conscience after what they do to their own people. And I also laugh when I hear China is somehow this powerhouse of industry – it’s a powerhouse alright – of corruption, theft of other country’s intellectual property, organs, freedom – their own people’s wealth and a menace to the world – yet OK to do business with? – no way.
So it’s about time we realised that whilst we’ve never really had complete and true freedom (we are all still numbers right working for the real owners of the world) – they let us hang on to so much freedom in comparison to nearly all peoples in previous history – we forgot that man has his little sin and corruption problem – the problem that also blinds us to other people’s sin. Like the one that blinded all those learned fools in power that have been saying for years that once China is on it’s feet economically – the CCP will start behaving like the ‘free’ world. Leopards do NOT change their spots – only God can do that. Come on – get with the program!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)