Q: should Christians vote for Donald Trump?
Possibly yes – but watch out if you do! Whilst despite all his faults (he who is without sin cast the first stone right?) he is actually the only president in history to actually do what he says he’s going to do – does not speak out of both sides of his mouth – and actually doing all the things that American people need to return to living in a prosperous nation – like bringing business back – which have been sold for a song and a lot of back-handers by previous administrations – make no mistake – Christians are being set up by our adversary.
Christians are being set up – The Bible tells us so
What do I mean? If you haven’t noticed – the left and liberals – who are bent on doing as thou wilt – are making absolutely sure Trump and his policies are tied firmly to Christians in their coverage of him in the media – it’s being portrayed as all our fault he is in power – and everything thing he does is what Christians and more specifically – The Bible would advocate. So-called racism (who on this earth is pure racially? – answer – no one! It’s makes no sense to be racist, and Donald Trump is way bright enough to know this) – and everything else that’s ‘wrong’ with trump – or more specifically does not let them do as thou wilt will be deemed as our fault. For instance – protecting the unborn would be an example. This is being sown in the subconscious of ordinary folks everywhere and will be brought to the fore exactly – and only when the time is right.
It’s only a temporary head-wound
Sure it looks like truth and honesty and transparentness is getting a renaissance and the beast is certainly getting a head-wound – because as God says in the Bible – ‘my people’ cried out – to be released from the previous tyranny and genuinely started to clean up their lives – but it’s a window of opportunity to do God’s work and temporal – at some point, the left with rise and next time they do – Christians will not just be marginalised and mocked – they will really – I mean really be blamed for everything that’s wrong in the world. We can already – and have for many years been hearing echoes of this.
The plan was – and is still the same
The left think we don’t know the plan – to discredit Christians, and Jesus and The Bible under the guise of 101 other reasons like ‘supporting’ minority groups – but we know – and have known for 2000 years – its all purely political, and these people care-not about any marginalised group they pretend to care about – only themselves.
Cryptos will not free us from the banks – it’s a temporal reprieve
Governments (bankers) can’t control cryptos? Rubbish – if we think that, we have no idea what powers we are up against. Soon everyone will need a license to even access the web. The fact is – you cannot have a new world order where everything is ‘fair’ (or in other words everyone is under a socialism) and they can do as thou wilt – with the salt and light of the Bible still pervasive as it is in the West. It, and its adherents have to go – if not now – later – and Donald Trump and people like him that advocate Christian principles, will be used as the perfect excuse. This ignores the complexity of him being involved with Jarred and the other Kabbalah adherents – that’s another but intertwined subject.
Should Christians be involved in politics?
Founding Fathers and politics and Christianity

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)