I’ll confess I read it once or twice on the web and there were some interesting articles – but it’s always been quite clear to me – looking at the glitzy and glamour cover stories that it wasn’t (at least not for a long time) real Christianity. I mean they have features on people like wolf in chief Joel best-life-now Osteen and the infamous Joyce Jet Meyer (IMHO of course – don’t take my word for it – do your own research into who are wolves and who are sheep. To me these are so blatant they appear as wolves in wolves clothing). I guess with it’s diluted take on faith, Christianity Today really lives up to it’s name – today’s Christianity having been watered down to be almost meaningless in many churches and minds.
It’s one thing Trump wearing his heart on his sleeve and being a so-and-so – quite another to profess Christianity and fleece the flock
Look – I can’t imagine being buddies with someone like Donald Trump – in any case he’s far bigger fish to fry. He doesn’t strike me – judging by his actions and words as someone we should totally trust or that he is a real committed Christian (yet – I could be wrong – we all take different paths) – in my view there is simply no way to be in politics at such a high level without serious compromise – if you don’t – you’ll be shot down quicker than you took off. And of course God will judge The Donald fairly according to the knowledge and light he has (as the bible says) and he may enter heaven – someone’s eternal destiny not for us to judge – only their actions and words justly.
Better Trump – the devil you know than politicians who pose as an angels of light – need I name them?
I do know some of the worst criminals – including myself may end up in heaven based on Jesus’ words – that real repentance and a turning away from sin is all that’s required – him having paid the fine for us. Either way – with Trump – what you see is what you get, and that to me seems FAR safer than these consummate actors – sorry politicians who with carefully crafted smooth words and a deep knowledge of law and real history subtly twist the facts and take in the young and those who do not know history or anything about those that went before – THESE are the dangerous folks – the ones that look you in the eye sincerely whilst taking massive bribes or ‘donations’ – flip-flopping at the drop of a dollar to get elected and using their connections to foreign countries and unsavoury characters fill up their and their family’s bank accounts.
Trump is in politics for money? – give me a break!
I could be wrong – he may have hood-winked us all, and sure he appears to enjoy himself ripping apart career politicians – but no-one will convince me The Donald is in politics for the money – he’s already famous and I can’t think of anything more risky, difficult, or detrimental to ones health, or safety of ones self or family than to go up against the entrenched and God-less US establishment and attempt to drain the Washington swamp of these unconscionable Machiavellian Blair-like creatures – let alone dare to go up against the CCCP – where an estimated 1000 CEO’s who said the wrong thing are missing – and 1000’s are in prison camps. And I thought this before I had any idea who Trump was or he was running for office. I found out he started the apprentice after he was elected (I don’t own a TV).
What was this guy doing at Christianity Today Magazine anyway? Oh yes – to sell more mags
Back to Christianity Today Magazine – apparently the editor Mark Galli (did I get his name right?) that just criticised Trump, he was on his way out of the magazine – that’s interesting; did he have a spat with the magazine owners and is firing back in an attempt to bring it down knowing full well many Christians voted for Trump? (as the Devil you know) – or was he never a Christian in the first place? Perhaps they let the fox rule the hen house in an attempt to shift magazines – won’t be the first tie the love of money brought down a Christian entity. To criticise him so vociferously suggests he might prefer the alternative – which would entail globalists (clearly NOT God’s prescription to maintain maximum peace in the world) who have no love of country and are in fact looking to divide and weaken America (you can’t have globalism with a UNITED States or a UNITED UK.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)