Singles services prices comparison of pricing
Below you will find some of the finest christian dating sites around. These are services dedicated to matching single people of the christian faith of all ages and denominations. Whether your looking for an online christian dating service, some free christian dating advice, or a single christian dating agency, you will definitely find it here:)
(services are listed cheapest first)
ChristianDate online Dating Service
“Our absolutely FREE Christian dating service and matchmaking service is broken down into two easy steps with tons of other goodies to browse through, also!”
Website URL:
Cost : FREE. Members – 60,000
Fusion101 (now Christian Dating Service
A free Christian singles service where you can meet 1000’s Christian singles, Christian pen pals and friends for dating online. Search detailed profiles, browse photos – use the safe Christian chat service or pray with new website Christian friends. A pretty basic service but very effective with many 100’s marriages! Website URL’s:
Cost : 100% FREE always. Members – over 300,000 worldwide serving all countries.
Adam Meet Eve Christian Dating Service
A singles service where you can meet 100’s Christian singles, pen pals and friends for dating online. Search over many detailed profiles – browse photo galleries chat or pray with new web site friends! Some of the features include dating, romance, relationship single articles and lots of Christian web site reviews and also reviews on Christian dating services in general. Also find free online counseling, dating and relationship help and advice services.
Website URL: – UK Specific – no.
Cost : $19.95 pm – $99.95 py. Members – 20,000
Single Christian Network also known as SCN
The Single Christian Network – founded in 1991 is one of the largest internet introductory service for Christians everywhere. This is a quality Pay as You Go Christian Introductions service that has many features to make meeting new christian friends easier.
Web Site URL: – UK Specific: NO
Price: $19.95 per month. Lifetime membership $144.95 Members: 15’000
Christian Cafe
We like this service at 101 as it’s owned and run by Christians and been around from the beginning of online dating services! is a comfortable relaxing online Cafe where Christian singles connect with each other. Search thousands of christian profiles around the world and find a companion, a date, or a soul mate, Currently offering a free 10 day trial.
URL: UK Specific: ww
Prices: $24.95 per month. $99.95 per year. Members: 100’000+
Christian Soul Mates
Christian Soulmate’s mission is to provide a place where Christian singles will be relaxed, encouraged, entertained and be able to interact with other Christian singles in a non-threatening environment. Currently offering a 10 day free trial.
URL: UK Specific: no.
Prices: $15.95 per month. $84.95 per year. Members: 15,000+
Christian Connection
A quality website. Christian Connection is a UK Specific Christian Dating Service. Their free 10 day trial service lets you Create a profile, search for other members,View members profiles and Send and receive mail from other members.
Website URL: UK Specific: yes
Prices: £17.50 p month. £79.50 p year. Members: 10,000+
Catholic Singles
Catholic Singles is an American based dating service for catholics across the USA and worldwide. It is a Catholic owned company and includes fellowship with other Catholic members, and even weekly columns from their staff of clergy. The site lets you upload unlimited photos, and features private Email Accounts and Live Chatrooms.
URL: UK Specific: no.
Prices: $14.95 per month. $79.95 per year. Members: 10,000+
Christian Mate offers you the chance to meet christian and non-christian singles from around the world. Receieve SMS and email alert when someone matching your criteria signs up.
URL: UK Specific: no.
Prices: $19.95 per month. $94.95 per year. Members: 10,000
Saved Singles
Christian Singles Dating Network, also featuring non-christian members. Free to join and receive/reply to messages, become a premium member to send messages. Powered By DatingTech Network.
URL: UK Specific: no
Prices: $19.99 per month. $99.00 per year. Members: unspecified
Equally Matched is a new Christian singles dating site designed exclusively for Christian singles. Features chat rooms, message boards and more.
URL: UK Specific: no
Prices: FREE Members: 200
© 101ChristianNetworks – this article contains reviews and prices, costs and membership numbers of Christian singles dating services compared.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: