I’ve had a lot of crazy things happen since I’ve been running Fusion101.com – the genuinely totally – always free Christian dating service that really does care about it’s members and was setup purely to help Christians find a genuine husband or wife in a world where real Christians are few and far between, but this was interesting.
We Christians must not think ourselves ‘better’ than the world – we are ALL sinners!
When you search ‘101 Christian dating’ on the web – you get a bunch of Christian websites that advertise and appear at the top of the search results hoping to cash-in on the 101 and Fusion ‘brands’! Yep – they really are. I discovered that some of these companies own web development companies so are quite knowledgable about ways they can divert traffic (see below also for another case of a Christian swiping my design). I’ve reported this several times to no avail so I guess they will just keep on doing it but thankfully I am not overly concerned as this is just one a dozens of similar issues I’ve dealt with – including – would you believe it – a Christian couple that literally download my entire site and put it up as a FreeChristianDatingSite and changed the colours – but – forgot to change the text which included all my strange colours and odd wordings and spelling errors!
When I called this lady who’s name I will not mention because we are ALL in need of saving including me – and confronted her (as The Bible commands us to talk to people face to face rather than take them to court) having found her contact personal details after quite a bit a research and investigation (I discovered she ran a search engine optimisation service and ‘web design’ service of all things!!! – obviously preferring to download other people’s sites when short of time) she denied everything. However when I pressed her and brought up the copied and pasted text and colours and spellings and every single drop down menu and tick box and even the downloadable ‘flyer’ designed was identical she realised the cat was out and apologised.
The point is, I have no doubt this person was a Christian and that is my point in this article; they were tempted as all are, with anonymity of the web – it was too easy to do what she did. That was all I wanted – a bit of honesty since this was not the first time it had happened – though the times before it was clearly secular services who had employed third parties to swipe my hard efforts and re-host them under their own name.
It just goes to show we Christians (I include myself) are no different to the secular world with the (and most important) exception that most of of accept we need God’s help in order to be honest!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)