When I was young (and stupid – or really, I should say lacked wisdom that age and a knowledge of history and human nature always brings) I used to ponder the problem’ of free speech, imagining there was some way to ‘fix it’. Older wiser people will laugh at this and so they should (and no quantum computer will fix it – read on to see why).
Anyway – having been involved early on on the Internet in starting a small social network in 2000 – several years before FaceTwit and MySpace arrived to really mess up the young (and now old) and connect us to all the wrong people for all the wrong reasons – I was well aware of the problem of misinformation and how easy it now was to spread.
I actually realised this years before as I worked for advertising agencies that specialise in manipulating the public by stretching the truth, telling fibs or worse, omitting information which in 2022 seems to be the new normal. Whilst I personally did none of these things directly, I produced artwork that did. I never liked doing it or working in this fake environment where the goal was to make people buy things they not only probably didn’t want but didn’t need and everyone pretended to themselves and each other it was a good thing. Sounds like what we just experienced in 2019-2022. And if we listen to the perpetrators of the organised debacle of the last 2 years own words (you know who and what I’m taking about), things will only double down in the years to come.
Back to my websites – I even tried to develop my own ‘social-credit’ score system on my site in 2002 – way before China, Twitter or Facebook had even thought about it, except in my case it was not to control the whereabouts and daily CO2 emissions of every ant on the planet, but to minimise the risk of people doing bad really things to others like extorting money and physical harm to others. But wait – don’t they keep telling is everything they are doing in terms of restricting our freedoms is to protect us? Yes and I don’t believe a tenth of it. In fact I know 99.879% of it is BS. That figure sounds familiar.
But 20 years ago, after VERY quickly, after educating myself on the history of freedom (they way God intended us to be) I realised I could not very well say it would be wrong for governments to implement social credit systems – and then do it myself, all be it on a tiny scale – wrong is wrong right?
But I only wanted to apply it to generally to make people behave on my site and was easy enough to do with a computer doing it so it seemed to me why not? But it was very small minded in retrospect. So in the end I decided people should be allowed to be themselves and do what they want within a large scope, and I would only have a very limited blocking system, and I’d just have to work harder to find and confront users that could or were being problematical, then manually remove them if necessary. What I would really focus on blocking was profanity, swearing and anything that kids shouldn’t see or hear – ie everything secular platforms do not care about and positively encourage for clicks. Remember they often only clean up their act when under pressure from the public. In fact, I coined a new phrase for the new tech companies – I call them data-launderers.
Anyway – my ‘policing’ system is like a speeding points on your license where you can’t use the road (or my site) for a short time, and that’s the end of it – but nothing more. Repeat offenders do get taken out of circulation but NOT – I repeat NOT for questioning science or my or anyone else’s opinions. They now call this shadow-banning (what a awful phrase), but I invented it for my site in 2002 – years before YouTube and Twitter started shadow-banning for altogether different reasons – ie for difference for opinion or what they pretend to the young who have little or no knowledge of how freedom must be gained and eternally fought for uneducated call – misinformation. Swearing and profanity and other awful stuff – that’s fine on secular platforms – until it hits their bottom line, and of course they would say “it’s all for the safety of users against ‘misinformation.” Oh yea.. who’s misinformation? – or more accurately – who’s propaganda?
So now we can all see (including children who often have way more common sense than adults caught in their own traps of money and power) who have the slightest understanding of human nature, human bias and the desire to please oneself, and line ones own pockets, and centralise power into a few hands, that the whole idea of censoring information to ‘protect’ people’s freedom is not only a stupid oxymoron and brainless, but the antithesis of what it pretends to be and achieve (read 1 history book on how freedom is slowly lost if you are not sure why I say this).
But I also know that the folks at the top doing all this censoring under the pretence of ‘protection’ – also know that it’s a stupid oxymoron. They could care less. They and their buddies in governments and banking need total control of information and they don’t care how it’s done. They believe themselves to now be untouchable – and perhaps from what we’ve seen they are – if it wasn’t for the fact that their own inventions to control and destroy all men and God will eventually eat them – and likely in the most unexpected way. If there is any justice in the universe – then men ought, and will get the desires of their hearts. And if that’s an eternity without God’s interfering in society or their plans, then I pity them in the unforeseen hell on earth they are creating, and that they themselves are now unable to stop even if they wanted to.
But we already know the next claim with be; “well computers don’t make mistakes.” Oh yes they do.. just not the kind they are thinking about. Computers will NEVER be sentient (don’t believe the BS that if a computer is complex enough it could be, for a minute – they know in their hearts this is BS) and computers have zero wisdom. Why? Because wisdom is not taught or learnt, it comes from outside time and space (really matter, as ‘time’ is a man-made construction). In other words, sometimes knowledge says do X, but wisdom says – do not do it.
But that’s not really the point. The point is, some human or a group of humans will ALWAYS be in charge of these computers even if they pretend they are decentralised or ‘safe’ and effective at managing the world without human intervention. Oh sure they can divide up and manage resources and create stuff out of them, but that’s it.
The truth is – if Silicon Valley and their friends in government REALLY wanted to create a proper and fair social credit scoring system it would be easy; ALL our user data would be collected on OUR decentralised computers on separate nodes without them having access, accept perhaps to enforce user’s (us) agreed upon protocols – ie by the community NOT some central governing authority or all-knowing quantum PC.
But for the scientists, the new priesthood – the apple is just TOO big and too enticing. They have decided long ago they will not become like God, but be gods, and control every little grain of sand and rice on the planet and remove anyone who questions their decisions to the already designed and soon to come modern gulags, be they digital or worse.
And so when all is said and done, the cautionary tale of Frankenstien is as always applicable. It seems there may be a reason why providence allowed the well-spring of all this lack of wisdom to be called Silly-Con Valley. As the monster and his maker and many other scenarios real and imagined have warned us in history, the people most silly and conned is not always those using systems, means and methods but often those creating them.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)