Yes, very probably you could eliminate almost all of the criminals on the planet by eliminating cash – after all, we know from The Bible that; “the love of money is the root of all evil.” But wait, forget about the drug lords, the pornographers and the slave-traders, what about the really dangerous criminals that a cashless society does not stop?
What you say… who are they? You know, the ones that steal money from you in broad day light in a thousand different ways, and employ vast numbers of people to sit and devise more ways to empty your pockets – sorry your digi-wallet – in small, normally unnoticeable but still taking-the-whats-it type of fees that no one in their right mind would justify except them, but often in incredibly brash and in-your-face “I can’t believe they just stole that much money from me for going overdrawn a cent” kind of ways, whilst giving you virtually nothing in return for having your cash in their pockets. You know, the ones that are legalised to make ‘profits’ by lending you and me money that they don’t even own (and does not even exist) at exorbitant rates of interest. But surely going cashless would stop everyone from using money for corrupt financial reasons and financial practices? Hardly. Wake up if you think it will.
Sure, cashless stops small-time criminals, but empowers the banksters and corrupt politicians
Not only are these criminals legally allowed to print money from thin air and not only lend to people but lend it to governments!!?? I mean who ever heard of such a nutty, hair-brained scheme as to NOT have the government itself print and control it’s own money supply??!! So, have you worked out who I am talking about yet?
You guessed it, I’m talking about the currency of the the legalised criminals – the banksters. I’m talking about those that are pushing the all digital, cashless society and who once have been given this green light, we will never be able to put the horse back in the stable should they ever decide (to continue) abusing their position of power, as this time should you decide to make a claim against them – you might just find your digi-wallet fails.
History tells us that those Presidents that opposed the root of this problem – the central bank and evil entity that prints money from thin air and lends it to the government at interest effectively letting private bankers and not the president and his government run the country, were dispatched rather promptly have the government officials blessing to do so. Both J.F.K and President Lincoln were opposed to the central bank and US President Andrew Jackson was the only president in history that actually succeeded here and he called killing the US central bank “his greatest achievement” and he was right!
Watch the world’s greatest expose and award winning documentary on how banks really control governments below and be utterly gob-smacked…
It seems like God showed John 2000 years ago that controlling all transactions, buying and selling and all commerce, work and eliminating cash was the Godless in societies’ (only) answer to ‘crime.’ In retrospect this is obviously the method that would need to be employed by the powers that be, but it’s only these last ten yards of history that this banksters dream was even possible, and many people dismissed Revelation as the rantings of a crazy man. Alas as always, The Bible’s prophecy on this matter has turned out to be 100% accurate and a cashless society would be the final nail in the coffin for real freedom and usher in a pseudo freedom that would be short lived.
Cashless; the ultimate currency for the ultimate criminal the Bible warned about
Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. I would think very hard before thinking that the world going completely cashless is a good idea, unless you think the the moral DNA of man has changed and somehow improved in the last 2000 years. It may stop the you and I from committing crime, and the small-time criminals and drug lords and arms gangs, but it would empower those with the real power – the tyrants, the power hungry politicians in bed with the banksters’ beyond their wildest dreams – a dream literally come true!
My fear is that this global financial prison will be God’s judgement on generations that have not only shunned God, and kicked Him out of their schools, homes and hearts, but spent every ounce of energy to put the final nail in His coffin. God will not be mocked.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: