
Can You Reverse Diabetes?

Though I’m no doctor, I have had a hunch for a long time it’s possible indeed to reverse diabetes (and many other illnesses) or at least reduce it’s affects by altering diet, since I had eaten a bad diet for years and by aged 39 had many of the symptoms of diabetes. Under lots of stress I was comfort-eating a carb rich – fat-laden diet for years when for some inexplicable reason, I decided to start eating slightly smaller portions, which after only a few days of struggling became easier and easier. To my surprise my stomach appeared to shrink, and my acid production quickly began to slow, and everything began to normalise. No more anti-acids or dreadful Omeprazole tablets – all very bad for you long-term.

Miraculously, apart from my GERD disappearing (which had stopped me sleeping and given me a permanent cough for years and was diagnosed wrongly as ‘Asthma’ by the bright Asthma nurse at my local GP clinic who I found out later was on commission from the Pharma companies to hand out inhalers and pumps like sweets – both my father and I were handed these things for GERD!) my energy levels rose and I didn’t not feel I needed to sleep every 10 minutes. Well, the following video may give you a few ideas on how to improve your health if you have diabetes.

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