Sunlight and UV light is nature’s disinfectant that kills bacteria and lessens the effects of viruses. Wiping every surfaces with hand-sanitizer and alcohol seems extremely hit and miss not to mention super-time consuming and expensive in gloop and gloves. Then what about some wearable device like a weed killer and canister that a person can walk round a hospital or home with and zap everything in site – railings – doorknobs – bed-sheets and anything that might have been touched by human hands or come in contact with a virus with some super-powerful light device.
How does UV light kill bacteria and viruses?
Viruses have genetic material DNA and RNA and reproduce by attaching to cells and injecting their DNA. Some viruses reproduce by bursting out of the infected cell while others merge into the infected cell reproducing every time that cell divides. The point is that UV light scrambles the DNA sequence messing up the reproduction process. This is how UV light kills off viruses.
Will UV light work kill coronavirus?
COVID-19 is a new virus and there are lots of of studies on its resistance to UV despite folks from rolling out light emitting devices to ‘destroy’ it. Companies that produce UV light cleaning devices are seeing more sales and hospitals are already using robots to disinfect hospitals, beds, rooms and equipment so it does appear that the use of UV light to kill bacteria and viruses is clearly thought to have an effect. Studies on both SARS and MERS (previous coronaviruses) show that UV light could help deactivate the viruses power to cause damage so it’s reasonable to expect it will have an effect on COVID-19.
Ultra Violet light can damage your skin!
Yep it’s true – ultraviolet radiation can damage human DNA as well as virus and bacteria DNA causing skin cancer or cataracts so think twice before bathing yourself in UV! However s particular range of ultraviolet light is said to efficiently inactivates bacteria without harm to exposed human or animal skin. However – there is no problem putting devices inside UV light emitting boxes like cell phones and toothbrushes etc. But for now soap (and lots of running water as the Bible suggests!) is one of the very best ways to rid yourself of bugs.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: