One thing I disagree with this guy is – that it makes perfect sense that guns are being removed as it’s ‘incompatible’ with globalism – the idea that we don’t need them because everyone will be chipped and tracked so there will be no need for them. And it’s all been foretold in our Bible. I don’t advocate guns in the UK where I am – but the USA is totally different. America was founded by people trying to escape the tyranny of the British political and religious chains and so intentionally set up a government and people that would be FREE from the whims of rich men.
The American government is the only government in history that intentionally aimed to make their own powers SMALLER – and set out to limit their own powers to be tyrannical in favour of the people’s freedom, and this unusual freedom was responsible for creating the most successful economic powerhouse ever created on earth, in the shortest time (200 years) – ever – genius, and all based on creating a government based on Biblical principles and the ten commandments. And we mustn’t mix up the sins of corrupt politicians along the way – the Bible and God’s precepts are far more powerful that any corrupt group or person and if allowed to shine – the words of God will disinfect an entire nation, like a tiny amount of salt flavours and preserves food.
I grew up being told America was bad because it allowed guns – and I was ignorant and I did not understand why. The arming of American citizens was a demand of the government – a safety measure to depose tyrannical government, something incumbent upon them was to remove a tyrannical government and if necessary and unfortunately as a last resort – by force.
If you are unsure WHY America allows the people to defend itself against governments please read up on it. There is a daft idea that somehow people and governments become more incorruptible over time – the wise founders knew the truth. If society has improved you need to ask why – and it wasn’t because people woke up one day and decided to behave – it was because once the people got the bible in their own tongue they were able to hold their leaders to account with biblical principles and spot trouble BEFORE it starts to gets out of control. And more importantly they knew that the people knew. But this is all changing – throw the Bible and soon we’ll be slaves to whoever’s in the vacuum – be it government, a technocracy (China) or a foreign enemy. The bible promises that if any people or individual or nation forgets God it will be handed over to it’s enemies – just as God’s own people were over and over in the old Testament.
Unfortunately we have seen since the 1960’s God’s precepts have been removed from homes, schools, law courts and even churches, and the results and desolation are clear for all to see. “If my PEOPLE will turn to me I will heal their land” – not “if my my politicians.” The fact is a few faithful prayerful citizens have infinitely more power to change a nation that any self-serving politician – though it never appears that way on the surface. In the last election in the UK and US – the people had a change of heart, and had their sight partially restored and have been granted a window of opportunity for healing. Sure Donald Trump may unlimitedly still be in the hands of the elite – but he is a serious but temporary thorn in their side. And though no one is daft enough to think he is a particularly Christian (he’s may be a baby one) any actions he makes in God’s and the people’s favour will bless the nation, regardless of his misdemeanours.
The sad truth is – any Christian in church – let alone if he has political power or not that preaches the gospel and the ten commandments as they were once taught everywhere, with people as blind at they are, would last about ten minutes in office. We have too many career actors in politics – people who say one thing and are very different underneath the smooth veneer. Therefore Trump – not by any means a committed Christian, and the mish-mash of contradictions (like all of us) he is, wearing his personality on his sleeve whilst trying to follow his heart is probably the best hope America has.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: