I hate left and right politics – and I imagine like me you prefer the idea of right and wrong politics. Since I was a child it always struck me as a huge problem in politics that one has to tow the line of the party you are in – even if you disagree with it – and people do this to a more or less degree depending on how important their livelihood is compared to doing what’s right. But this is all but impossible right? – so I pity – or perhaps feel concern for the few honest people are brave enough to get in politics for the right reasons. But that’s nothing – another much worse monster is rearing it’s head!..
This new strain of dishonesty seems to be popping up everywhere
Well actually, this awful pernicious thing that’s very much more visible at the moment is something that’s always been around for eons – but has become 1000 times worse with the advent of the Internet, and dreadful sites like the one I like to call Twit-ster – or where people under cover of their darkened basements spend all day and night being twits – tweeting vacuous feather-weight snarks with a ceaseless tirade of drive-by attempts at character assassinations of good people. At leat with MeMeMeTube this has to be done in a more face to face manner. But this monster I speak of is not of the fleshly tough kind – but far more soft and delicate and devious – a monster of the straw kind – the invasion of the straw men! “Wait!” comes a cry from left field – “That’s a sexist comment!*£@$!” Oh dear help…
So what’s a straw man? If you don’t quite know the definition (like I didn’t – though I well knew what it was speaking of once I did and realised I’ve come up against these soft beasts all my life). If you are in any doubt take a look at this image – you’re not quite sure what’s wrong with the fellow’s reply but you just know it’s wrong – THIS is the ‘genius’ of the straw man.
You know the person who replied is an idiot – or at least has problems forming a rational argument – but you just can’t put your finger on what’s wrong with what he said in the few seconds you have (these are usually drive-by shootings) and you have a horrid feeling if you do manage a rational reply – another horrid straw-man will appear from nowhere (or his mouth).
Straw men arguments are VERY difficult to answer – hence their prolific use by dishonest people and those who can’t argue rationally
It’s often confusing for the generally honest person – as they have no intentions of twisting or adulterating what a person says – they just want an honest rational argument to see who’s right – either you or them – it doesn’t matter – let the chips fall where they may so long as we get to the truth right? WRONG! The terrible thing about a straw man is that you can’t grab hold of them – and as soon as you do they disintegrate, blow away and reform into something else – another straw man.
What do you say when you meet a straw man?
How do you attack these awful horrid and disingenuous creatures when you run into one unexpectedly? I suggest you stop and take a breath. DO NOT TRY ARGUING with someone who has just lied by distorting what you said (not infrequently by omission – their other great trick) and then begins to argue against THEIR VERSION of your argument. You won’t get anywhere as they have already pressed their thumb on the scale.
Here’s what you do; call out their straw man – “you have just caricatured what I said and are attacking the caricature – I suggest you stop small man before YOU look even more of an idiot.” Well perhaps don’t call them an idiot – name-calling and dust-kicking to obscure truth is their turf – but refuse to continue talking (or probably shouting in their case) until this hair-brained person acknowledges what they have dishonestly done (which they won’t because – well… everyone will see they are dishonest). There is no point – anyone can win an argument where they are actually bending the rules and the playing field is uneven.
A recent example of a straw-man that prompted me to write this article
Incorporated into my new play; Curse of The Straw Monsters (patrons welcome:)…
Generally honest Bob says;
“We should call out racism where we see it.”
Straw-man rears it’s ugly head (NO! I didn’t say the speaker was ugly!) and replies:
“How dare you say we should ONLY call out racism we see!”
Generally honest Bob replies;
“Uh… what? Wait… I didn’t mean…”
Generally honest Bob’s spineless employer appears;
“Bob – I heard you have been racist and I’m afraid I have to sack you – you’ll never work or eat again – it’s for the good of the company Bob.” (OK I confess I made up the last reply:)
Leftist appears out of the wings and attempts a drive-by on the author:
“Mr writer – how dishonest of you to make things up!”
And on and on it goes…
Author responds to audience heckler;
“Satan was called The Father of Lies!”
Another leftist stands up in audience;
“Are you suggesting all persons that argues using straw-men are the DEVIL INCARNATE?!” (looks around for affirming nods).
Wants to say “of course I bl***y am!” but just stares at moron who said this – lest the staw-man is encouraged to continue arguing like The Devil – ooops!?!
The morals of straw-man (there aren’y any)
As you have seen by my silly examples – which unfortunately happen day in day out – there is no hope when trying to combat straw-men. DO NOT ARGUE WITH STRAW MEN or be even sillier and try to grab hold of them – not only will our hands go straight through them – you will lose and look stupid for engaging with such a pernicious brainless creature!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)