The Bible

Behold – I am Coming in a Very Long Time

“I am coming quickly” is proof that Jesus has already returned

Hmm… something’s wrong with that statement. Would Jesus have really said; “behold – I am coming in a very long time” – the one who always tells the plain unvarnished truth – the one to whom 1000 years is the same as a day – and in fact the one for whom 100,000 years would also be a tiny blip in time – no, to be really accurate – the one for whom even 50 million years would actually be infinitely small in light of eternity (yes – infinitely small) – would he have really said that if he was coming in 2-3000 years when to say it was a long time would not, in fact, be the truth? No – not in my opinion – and admittedly that it what this is. Go to the Bible for your final authority on anything.

2000 years is not a long time

The fact is,no matter which way you slice it – if he was returning in 2-3000 years he would still have used the word ‘quickly’ and not said; “in a very long time” since 2-3000 years is not a long time – it’s a short amount of ‘time’ wether you are human or not – as being a believer, you will be living forever in eternity so in fact he would be returning quickly no matter how long he took to come back in man-years.

The word ‘church’ doesn’t appear

Since when has something not appearing been a reason for it not to exist? Take air for a start. Jesus doesn’t say that he had eyes, ears and a nose but we all know he did. No – the fact that a word is missing may be because it’s doesn’t exist, but it’s absolutely no proof at all of this and needs to be taken lightly and real proof found that confirms this before we take it as true or false.

This generation will not pass away…

This obviously tells us once and for all that Jesus was coming back in their day – until you read the rest of the verses below it and all becomes clear. I won’t tell you – you read it for yourself. The problem is man’s weakness and fear of pain and suffering (and often his natural bias towards wanting pleasure) always causes him to read what he wants to hear in everything – it’s human nature. We must stand back and look for the truth – not want we want to hear, no matter how difficult.

Peter’s crucifixion

Jesus also predicted that Peter would die in his old age. A very strange thing to do if Jesus was about to return. Jesus even hinted John would survive to old age and not die.

Always second hand – not from The Bible

David Pawson said (and I’ve had the same experience); “I’ve never met anyone that came to believe that Jesus was coming back in the time of the disciples or a few years thereafter that came to this conclusion on their own, from just reading The Bible.” This is true for me personally – that the idea of Christians escaping tribulation seemed a totally foreign and unnatural predicament for Christians to be in to me as a new Christian after simply reading the gospels alone and never having heard of ‘Left Behind’ (I almost laughed when someone described what this was about not because of the disappearing act but because it was so blindingly obvious that Christians – the church have and will always continue to suffer for Christ. It honestly took me more faith to believe in a ‘pre-trib’ rapture than believe that only we – the Christians in the last five seconds of history are the ones that for some inexplicable reason will not suffer, unlike all the millions of Christians have throughout the larger part of history have done in terrible terrible ways. Not forgetting this in light of the fact that Christ himself promised that all that followed him would suffer for speaking the truth.

Taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth

Besides – how could they “take the Gospel to the ends of the earth” if he was about to come back in the next few weeks, when they had no cars or planes – let alone a bicycle? No the truth is – Jesus was coming soon – even if it turns out to be in 50 thousand years, but we refuse to see in anything other than a human perspective when we know from The Bible we are to think in terms of our first calling – to live in eternity with God.

Jesus will be coming soon no matter how long he takes!

What? Yes! The fact is – if Jesus said he was coming soon and he comes back in 1000 years – he was right in light of eternity – what he is all about and what we too should be all about when we think of him and his father – our eternal loving father!

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