Are you fed up with your man? Well, most ladies get exasperated with their other half – it’s completely normal. Men (I am told) can be exceedingly annoying creatures. OK sometimes you just have to say things as they are but generally you know men just need a little encouragement, and nagging or criticism rarely achieve the end you want – and let’s not make excuses, it’s often the man’s pride that’s the reason he won’t budge. Nevertheless, the fact is, there is NOTHING guaranteed to stop a man from doing what you want him to do than by making him feel small and useless – he will get worse or in some cases leave! Both not good or what you want.
Sinners are not compatible – period!
I heard a pastor say that when he marries two people he always tells them; “you are incompatible” – yep you heard that right – he tells them they are not suited and you know what – after my few years of living I have come to realise he is right from experience. Two people that have lived separate and self-centred (I mean that not in a bad way but in the sense that they’ve only had one person to think about) are going to be incompatible in many many – many ways – period!
So is there’s no hope for sinners to be compatible?
On the contrary – this is what the Bible and the story of God’s love for Israel is all about and illustrated in Jesus sacrifice for us as we are incompatible for heaven and finally gives us our chance to do the same in marriage itself and in loving all those annoying people a church than never seem to have any problems and know all the answers! (I’m sure I am one). This is our challenge – to love those that we would rather not, because if we honestly examine ourselves we will find many of those traits in us, that we dislike in others.
Don’t look for a perfect person to marry – you won’t find one
Marriage to another ‘incompatible’ sinner is what gives all of us a chance to really love someone – i.e to love what is unloveable – to take the edges off each other – to be patient – to be calm when he or she is doing that thing that really annoys you again – just like the Lord did with us when He laid down His life for us despite us not loving Him and being rebellious. It makes marriage exciting because we are challenged to learn to love not just what we like (liking or ‘loving’ something a lot is not real love and is the poor substitute we now have for real love) but also what we don’t naturally feel inclined to love. That is real love as God loved us.
How to make your man great
So back to the title of the article – ladies – you will be surprised if you support your man in his sometimes hair-brained ideas (I know because I’ve had lots of them), and gently encourage him to do things that will help him improve, and gently discourage him from doing things that are not helpful to him or the family that you are particularly good as seeing when he is not. Never let your insecurities stop you from encouraging him or cause you to act on the desire to want to control him – we all do this to each other when we are frustrated – men and women and it always causes problems in the end and never achieves what you want. Then you will find him much more responsive to doing the things you know will be good for him and you.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: