It can’t be true can it? I mean pharmaceutical companies can’t actually slip doctors ‘gifts’ can they to encourage them to prescribe their products? Well if I were in charge of a multi-billion dollar big pharma company and it was my job to sell the public more of our products – we don’t do this for the love of it right? – sure I would be meeting and taking doctors out to dinner every day of the week, and if I had the dosh, I would consider a few nice holidays in the Bahamas.
Drug firms don’t make drugs because they love curing people
It’s my Christianity and my knowledge of the Bible and my healthy fear of God that makes me think twice about bribing people (in other words I don’t mind admitting I am no better than anyone else on the planet on my own steam) or working for a drug company. If you are in any doubt that corruption set into the drug world many decades ago take statins – you know – the drug that has been approved and yet the same people that approved it are OK with the pill producer withholding side effects from the public. I mean a 2 year old would figure out something was wrong here. In the meantime the drug is ruining people’s lives all over the planet and key – is one of – if not the best selling ‘wonder’ drug in the world. But when you look at how many lives it saves – it’s a joke.
Some drugs can help temporarily, but others do more harm than good
It reminds me of the time when the head of asthma department – yes- the head!… at my local doctors convinced me I had asthma (when I knew I most definitely did not – I actually had G.E.R.D that was causing me to cough constantly – this is where acid is inhaled and irritates the lungs causing an asthma-like response) and that I should be taking the blue inhaler and the more dangerous steroid inhaler daily indefinitely – for life! Hang on, is she on some sort of commission? It did cross my mind at the time, but it was only later that what I thought was a little paranoia turned out to be true when it was plastered all over the tabloids and TV news.
Is your doctor getting back-handers from drug companies?
About a year later when the coughing of course had not subsided, another doctor a the same clinic nearly fell of his seat when I told him what I had been prescribed for my cough. Quickly he took me off the inhalers and prescribed me a low dose anti-acid and in a couple of days, years of coughing stopped.
It’s just like the statin con – it’s all about the green stuff $$$. So yes – always do your own research when you think you may have an illness – most doctors I know are super-quick and unashamed to pull up the Internet when I have visited them in the last few years. Being a doctor is only about what you know after all.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: