Have you ever asked what the credit state of your bank is?.. the one that is freely allowed to lend money at exorbitant interest to you – money they often don’t have, yet when YOU give money to them, which they can go and invest and make massive amounts of money and profit from to continue this scheme – you get nothing?!!
In other words every time you put money in your bank account, you are giving the bank an interest free loan! Can you imagine these massively rich organisations ever doing the same for you? No – that is why the bank is rich and we are not.
The fact is many of these banks do not have the money in their vaults that we put there. They have spent it into investments and bonds and other things that at any time can go bad which means they can never pay back all their small depositors (fools like me and you) should they ever need to – that friends is a legal ponzy scheme.
Which means if this happens, under their terms and conditions they do not have to give you back your money – something most people are not aware of when they give the bank money to put in their personal account – effectively it is not your account at all – technically it becomes their money! Now that’s sobering.
Why banks that practice this extortion are not allowed to go to the wall when they are not just practicing usury – but usury on steroids is a mystery, until you do what any good investigator does – follow the money! Allowing such business practices can only ever weaken a nation and god wants strong independent nations and people that are able to help their neighbours. Sound familiar?.. the Devil is described in the Bible as ‘he who weakens the nations’ and this is one of his favourite schemes to do so.
Did you know that only 150 years ago, the word ‘usury’ in the English dictionary meant; ‘interest’ – period – no more no less – lending at interest. Now, rather strangely (or not so strangely when you consider who prints the books we read) it’s been changed to mean ‘excessive interest’ – like somehow interest is now OK and god made a mistake! Interest is never OK for one simple reason; it’s profiteering without work and keeps people and countries (that should never even be borrowing from a ‘central’ bank in the first place) in perpetual debt.
Gold backed money is not enough – usury (profiting by lending at interest for essentially doing no work and producing no goods) must be stopped by both lender and borrower if countries and people are ever to be free from debt
All governments should be in charge of, and print their own money, and never be in debt to anyone – any 2 year old can tell us that. And no, a bit of admin, a huge database and clever IT system that turns all our money into virtual digits and numbers backed by nothing does not pass for ‘work’ as the banks will tell us when we give them interest free loans (our savings).
To really understand money and how we are all being systematically conned out of our hard earned cash by usury (you’ll need to work out for yourself who’s doing it but a clue might be to follow the money behind the central banks), something expressly forbidden in virtually all religions and many countries, watch the best video ever made on the subject of what money really is and isn’t, and should and should not be – and I’m not exaggerating – it’s long but it won several awards and you will never think about banks and money in the same way!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)