When you go to a bank and they ‘lend’ you money, they counterfeit it. This cannot possibly be true I hear you say. Well it wasn’t always true – but unfortunately it is now. When you go to get your loan – the bank does not go into ints vault, check that it has enough money to back the loan and then bring you a bag of money. No. First it is not required by law (now as it used to be) to have the amount in reserve that it is actually lending. In other words; if your friend comes to you for a loan, he expects you to actually have the money or he wouldn’t need to come to you for a loan right?.. he would go to someone that did have the money. Well this is not what happens when a bank – a so-called responsible institution where people place their money for safe keeping (cough).
No the bank manager simply adds your loan to the amount he hasn’t got to back it up with. This is called fractional reserve banking which means; he is allowed to lend out sometimes as much as TEN times the amount of money he does not actually have in it’s bank vaults.
Now is all this was done by the government that would be one thing as with the Federal Reserve in the USA (but actually this is not governmental as the name leads us on purpose to wrongly believe – it is private and listed in the business pages). But this is done by banks that are private companies. I mean – if you or I were to set up a loan company – no one in their right mind would allow me to do this! Ahh but it’s far more complicated than that – say the bankers. Is it? Is that why many US presidents have tried – and only once successfully to stop this kind of fraud. Fraud?!!
Yes and here’s where it gets really bad. You know that bank that lent you the money for your mortgage to pay for your house that they did not have in their vault? – you know the one that charges YOU interest? Well that same bank – will come and take – or a better word is steal your house should you ever find you cannot keep up their extortionate interest payments.
And I suppose this has been allowed to happen because one can say; “well it’s no individual that does the counterfeiting and banks are national and federal institutions we need right? Wrong. Banks are private companies that are owned by shareholders all of whom profit from this counterfeiting.
Reserarch This Yourself
In case you think I am some kind of nutter, do NOT take my word for it. Research this for yourself and only then you will be sure of what is actually happening.
We No Longer Need Banks
Once upon a time we ‘needed’ banks because people wanted a place to store their gold, valuables and financial money notes and other forms of wealth (something the Bible says is futile incidentally). But the truth is – now than money is no longer physical (10% at most from the banks point of view and in some cases less and in the future probably none at all) and it is certainly dealt with entirely by computers – i.e money is already digital long before bit coin and the likes -and banks are no longer required to actually have the physical money or gold in reserve they are lending you – no one actually needs a bank to have their money for any other reason than now virtually all transactions – payments for bills etc are done online. How convenient for the bank, otherwise there really would be no reason to use one.
The interest they pay you is not worth having in most cases. So now the only reason to have a bank account is not because your money needs to be in a safe place (its all digital anyway and digits cannot be stolen in the same way physical goods can – another falsehood being promoted by the powers that be to make us feel we must have banks look after our money) because the banks supposedly have the safest digital vaults and that we are forced now to do all our transactions digitally via those vaults. There is no other reason. So it is no wonder they are secretly panicking – and as fast as they can working to make sure real physical money is no longer in existence – so we are all forced to use their ‘services’ no matter what. So that no one can buy and sell without them

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)