OK – so this is no surprise to anyone. If you do not believe in that old dusty book of superstitions – I’m talking about The Bible – that says EVERY person is made in the image of God – whether they are born with a genetic abnormality, unhealthy or whatever unfortunate fate has befallen them – and if you do not understand its’ explanation of why there is suffering in the world – then what else would one expect? Well – nothing. It’s no different to the top-down global government that for some time that is and has been dictating most of the world’s country’s trajectories.
The collective – not the individual that matters – sounds beautiful doesn’t it
Jesus said that if the individual takes care of himself – ie bottom up reform with God’s prescriptions – the collective will take care of itself – ie heaven will build itself on earth. But that’s too simple for the social scientists – they’d be out of a job. So anyway – how do we know this assisted dying coming? Well apart from the predictability and natural progression of godless men’s persuasions and courses of political action – we know this because the politicians and doctors are starting to alter their language, dropping in little phrases like – “a person’s view can change” or using phrases like Obama’s well-worn classic; “no legal document is set in stone” (paraphrase) – even if that was the stated intention of its’ writers.
Like everything else to the humanist – ‘truth’ is progressive and malleable
These folks believe (or at least pretend to believe) truth can somehow be improved over time as knowledge is gained. But forgetting all that – assisted dying will always be the inevitable end-point of a humanistic society where ultimately no individual life matters – only the collective matters.
As usual it serves many agendas
But we know the truth is the same, yesterday and forever. Sure – knowledge increases – and intelligence can be used for great good – but wisdom and intelligence are not the same thing. In fact they can be and often are in the modern world where information is deified – as East as West.
Of course – just like the Covid mantra – that those who question is are nasty selfish people – and the globalist mantra – that anyone who opposes globalism obviously does not want people in other nations to prosper and be brought up to the living standards of richer nations – all straw men and obviously so to any child – we know the mantra here will be exactly the same. Anyone that opposes Euthanasia is ‘bad’ – inhumane and wants people to suffer – and it goes without saying that God is the author of all this horridness.
Weak, spineless politicians are prescribing the solution to their fear for everyone else.
I won’t bother rebutting any of the statements used to describe those against Euthanasia above as it’s so puerile and schoolboy-like it’s not worth the ink (we are talking Matt Hancock bless him). So is there anything good about all this? Not really – though perhaps it’s advantageous to know now how my life is going to be ended, so I can prepare my body, mind and soul for what’s coming. Of course in the eyes of a humanist the latter doesn’t exist which goes along way to explain their ideologies.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)