Christians have known for millennia from the writings of John that at some point there will be a global rest – where all the currencies of the world are amalgamated into one system whereby none can trade (and effectively live, work and eat normally) without coming under it. We are told this in The Bible in no uncertain or wooly terms – it’s as clear as day and in fact, controlling all money flow has always been and is still the obvious means of controlling everything and everyone on planet earth – and in any case, this great (old) idea as will end all corruption on earth which we all know is related to the love of money right? Perhaps.
Introducing this single financial system (and of course this will be accompanied by a single world ‘religion’ The Bible also says) will not be any mean feat to implement or get the masses to accept as there has, and will be a lot of resistance to it along the way (most people to date have not even been able to conceive of the idea that there could ever be a single world currency as the world is far too complex but with computers this is no longer the case and it does now appear as answer to the world’s problems which all revolve around the corruption and misuse of money), but after a while as we have seen, with the advent of smart cards, smart watches and smart payment systems that ‘protect’ us all, the idea will gain ground and acceptance, just as we see right now with the current unprecedented global financial turmoil causing even ordinary folk to cry out for a solution. Controlling all money flow is many political leaders and corrupt banker’s dream come true.
All the great world leaders have tried and failed. One will succeed
This ‘solution’ to all the worlds problems (in fact like evolution is the only possible means by which man can conceive that humans came from mud, this ‘great’ world financial solution is likewise the only possible solution by which man might bring peace to the world, so is by no means revolutionary as it will be promoted) was worked out a very, very long time ago and the powers that be have been working towards implementing their man-made solution for centuries, and we are now on the brink of seeing this solution come to pass. We also know from the Bible that this ‘solution’ will work a while and there will be a lot of rejoicing over it, and the person or people that manages to achieve the holy grail of politics – a fair global government coupled with peace in the middle east and the inevitable domino effect of peace in the rest of the world when it is seen finally modelled successfully for the first time ever in Jerusalem.
Of course part of the reason that the people will finally accept this single system is because debts will be written off and fairness and equality will be promised to the entire world which is an incredibly appealing proposition for Christians, let alone those of no, or other faiths. And this proposition, though designed by the financial and politicians kings in secret, they would never be so foolish as to try to sell the idea to us themselves, and so it will be ‘sold‘ to us as the world’s ‘answer’ by a religious organisation, to give it the appearance of holiness and pure motives. After all, how could anyone, any country or any religious group reject such a proposal or global fairness and equality for all?.. if they do they must be bad right?
There is nothing new under the sun
So this we know from The Bible is how it will play out – with those with their eyes open that reject such a proposal (because of it’s obvious inherent flaw whereby too much power will be concentrated in too few – eventually one – hand will without question, as it has done in every case in history lead to corruption of that person or entity leaving absolutely no option for reversal). The rest, those who have not loved truth (note we are not requited to know truth in The Bible, but love truth – two different things – one would be fair to expect one would not – despite the fact that God promises via The Holy Spirit to bring all those that love truth into full knowledge of it) will be taken in – the Bible says by this ‘wonderful’ final days system of peace, but whom after a short period of elation rather like the kind that follows any successful political election and ‘new’ things generally, eventually will be sorely disappointed as they see that there is as The Bible tells us, nothing new under the sun, and corruption set in.
It’s very much like the question; should we come under, or stay independent of the EU? – it’s the wrong question. The question should be; can we trust so much self-appointed power concentrated in so few hands? So, are you ready?

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: