Yes I did put this in here to mock the idea. It’s tremendous fun but when it’s declared DON’T fall for it!
Alright – I’ll admit that title was click-bait. For starters I do not believe in alien life – I know – there must be other life in a universe as large as ours?! Not so quick – there is good explanation as to why this is extremely unlikely (IMHO) – I would say impossible. But back to the subject – are you ready for the alien invasion?
For many years now I have been waiting for and discussing with friends the coming alien invasion that will likely soon overtake our planet – and cause us all to unite under a strong world leader. What’s that you say? It just happened? I just saw some videos from the military depicting various flying objects. Wow – this time looking like flying paper bags – nevertheless they had all of the characteristics we have been conditioned to expect; flying and at crazy speeds, turning at impossibly oblique angles in a flash (I’m tired of hearing that one) and countless other ‘proofs’ that we are being visited.
Why would anyone fake an alien invasion – or anything else for that matter?
Very simple – the art or distraction is super powerful – it’s what pick-pockets do to steal your wallet. Politicians and powerful people are more often not pick-pockets – just on a much larger scale – sorry but it’s true. Now – The Powers That Shouldn’t Be have a job to do. They must somehow shoe-horn us into their New World Order under a single global government. This is NO easy task when half the world are Christians and used by now to being free (which was a mammoth struggle that took place over several hundred years) and been prepared ahead of time (2000 years according to St John).
How can we the free Christian masses hoodwinked into accepting global government?
They – I simply mean globalists who are made up of CEOs and 90% politicians (at a guess listening to what comes out of their mouths) – must keep us looking at something exciting – preferably something extremely H U G E and scary that threatens our global existence – but – whatever we’re looking at it must NOT be them. Imaging a giant drive in movie screen we are all looking at – whist off to the side of the screen, all kinds of shenanigans are going on. That’s how magicians operate. They have no real magic – it must all be done with smoke and mirrors.
Remember Ronald Reagan said; “what the world needs now to draw it together is an alien invasion” (paraphrase) – he wasn’t telling us the future – just making a point about how folks are most easily brought together – a common enemy. The fact is global calamities cause people to willingly give up their blood-bought freedoms out of fear in a flash. Ronald’s point sounds strikingly similar to the current mantra about the Covid19 drawing us all together – or global warming – or us running out of space on earth when you fit every person on earth in an area the size of Jacksonville (the real problem is not space but greed and wastefulness) – or the hole in the ozone layer caused by fluorocarbons – or heck – the coming ice-age when I was a kid in the 70s! I remember being terrified as they said by now we would all be buried in snow. The point is – there is always something – and they keep getting bigger – and more elaborate – and more scary.
The masses are getting smarter – but it’s fantastically exciting
The Internet has meant that people can check up on things on a second – hence the massive rush to pull down anything that gets in the way of installing global government. So it’s really hard – even I want to believe aliens are real – not only is it incredibly frightening – it’s every boys dream – and you have to look no further than the grown-up worrd to realise that men are just boys in suits! Did I mention why aliens do not exist? Very simple; given that it’s impossible for humans to have ‘evolved’ for starters (I discuss why elsewhere – but mathematically (among several reasons)) it is totally impossible for evolution to have taken place at all. And no – multiple universe theory just multiplies the problem as it doesn’t matter how many eons you have to do it – dead matter does not and cannot bring forth life.
Take one example: evolution is the discarding of the weak – bits that don’t work in favour of what works. Well a half formed eye serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever – nor does a 99% formed eye if it can’t see. You need all the constituent parts. But lets say ot was possible – mathematically you would need infinitely more time that the age of our universe. So NO – I believe somehow man was created and this means if there are aliens – they were also created. Now what are the chances they turn up and just happen to be roughly at the same level of technology we are (given billions of years of evolution)? None!
Faking the appearance of aliens today is easy – but what’s the real purpose of the coming alien invasion?
I’ll tell you. The folks that run our world are ether atheist humanists or they believe in god – but not the God of Christians. If you haven’t noticed they are going out of their way to denigrate – to deny not only sovereign nations (one of Satan’s names in The Bible is: “he who weakens the nations” – you could add to that – people) but the sovereignty of people. Human beings – according to them – are NOT made in the image of God. This is detestable and dangerous. Only the collective matters to them (we’ve heard that many times haven’t we). So – how dare we horrid little humans be so arrogant to think we are the only life in the universe – and that we were made solely for His pleasure and service!
If you want to know if something’s real – just look at who gets behind it
Name one person who’s pushing Covid19 under the guise on installing global digital ID for every man woman and child on the planet? Tony Blair. Need I say more? Has this man suddenly lost his impossibly large messiah complex and ego and no longer wants his seat at the global table of governance? Course not. So who’s behind the coming alien ‘invasion’? Usual suspects – The Pope for one – and every other globalist is getting on board. Wait – didn’t Tony convert a few years back? No more to say on this.
Because they did not love the truth (that’s us folks) they will be sent strong delusion (according to The Bible – by God!)
Of course clinging to the alien deception gives people that hate God the perfect excuse to behave accordingly – as if life is not sacred and we are little more than dirt that should be treated as such. They cannot stand the fact that God created the entire universe for His and our pleasure and wonder. So – in summary – an alien gets our eyes of our worth in the eyes of God – our infinite value and glory and onto the green men who are coming to get us. And the only people that can save us are guess who? The folks that will project all this holographic nonsense into the sky when we are ripe for yet another delusion. Who knows what they’ll treat us to next – a nice rapture perhaps taylored to each of the great religions? I wouldn’t put anything past them. So – are you ready for the coming alien invasion? I am.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)