Well, I don’t know but nothing would surprise me. After-all – the Bible wasn’t wrong when it says; “the root of all evil is the LOVE of money.” And we have all heard stories for years and years that the Rothschild’s (who incidentally changed their name to this as it means ‘Red Shield’) and the like have owned and controlled all the world’s money and financial institutions for eons.
I were to place a bet (I’m not a betting person – it’s completely against what I believe the Bible is all about – and yes that goes for the lottery too – if you are doing that and a Christian you need to stop – said in love of course:) I would bet yes – there probably is one group of men, people, families – whatever that so control all the world’s wealth – I mean it’s human nature to do such a thing right? It’s why we need saving.
Man has always sought to consolidate and centralise power, Nimrod was an example
There is nothing new under the sun, and this idea of controlling all the world’s cash and money is as old as the hills. In fact, St John on the island of Patmos wrote about it 200 years ago! Don’t believe it? Well before you accuse me of being a conspiracy nut don’t forget the Bible tells us in no uncertain terms than men constantly and endlessly conspire all the time to do evil and have always done so – it’s simply a case of knowing what is real conspiracy and what is YouTube nonsense here-say (and there is tonnes of that).
Talking of a single system currency and monetary system, how else could his prophecy in The Bible that in the last days no one would be able to buy or sell without having some kind of mark or authorisation that denotes one’s allegiance to the lawless one and his system of government?
Even presidents told us that banks are controlled by a small group
Take these three early real credit cards. Notice anything odd about them? Apparently issued by three different banks – one issued to Elvis Presley no less in the 1970’s, another issued in the early 70’s, and one the a 1980’s issued card below, note – before the Internet and world communications would have allowed people like you and me to join any dots. Presidents knew this, so why we think it’s wild conjecture I am not sure. I guess none of us wants to believe we are being duped – it’s not a nice feeling.
Isn’t it curious that they all use the same colours and format? Of course this was probably because the same production company produced the cards as there were not many produced back then. Or was it simply because the banks all owned by the same group didn’t take care to think about the future and how these things would come to light? I’m not sure but it is interesting.

Three different banks?
For more information about how men always have, and always will seek to control all money and finance from someone that really does know what she’s talking about (i.e someone other than me:) having worked at the highest levels in government and banking – see the video below and be amazed. Also don’t forget to watch the world’s greatest video documentary on money and it masters and who controls it here.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)