What 101Christian Magazine is..
We are not-for-profit, relevant, up-to-date, rooted in The Bible, say what we mean and mean what we say organisation. We care about our readers – every one of them and are not looking for ways to extract cash from them! Our goal is to edify and strengthen Christians in todays ever more secular and god-less world! Please help us achieve this by subscribing and interacting and fellowshipping with 101 members on our websites and services.
What 101Christian Magazine is not..
101ChristianMagazine.com is not politically correct. The word politics or to be political means; to manoeuvre and strategise to gain political ends. This involves saying and doing things that are not necessarily right in order to get to where you want to be. Therefore we at 101ChristianMagazine.com are not politically correct. Read a bit more about why I started 101ChristianMagazine here >>
God bless you
101ChristianMagazine.com 🙂