I was doing my usual laborious checking and removing unsavoury ads on my free Christian singles site when an ‘Ashly-Madison’ advert popped up (these are automated ad from the largest and most trusted source if ads on the internet). This ad and web site is promoted by the major search engines that I will not name – but you can guess which ones. Needless to say I blocked the ad on my site (many ads beat the 24 hour window I have to vet them – and of course members assume the ads – including the bad ones come from me which they do not, but at least 24 hours is better than nothing).
But something looked odd about this ad and the website it pointed to so I checked out the website and their ‘About Us’ section – well hidden from the homepage I must add. Here is what I was shocked to read;
What they say:
“The most recognized name in infidelity. As seen on Dr. Phil, Tyra, CNN, The View, Ellen, Larry King, Good Morning America. We are the most recognized and reputable extramarital affair company. Our married dating services work. We are the most successful website for finding cheating partners.”
Is this for real?
Are you kidding? I’ve seen a lot of things on the web but this is scary. I mean what’s next?.. sites that promote theft and murder with a nice shiny website homepage for the user? OK I guess we already have games and sites that promote theft, and whilst it seems utterly impossible, I have a sick feeling that the latter will pop up somewhere on the web and become ‘acceptable’ – especially if it’s aimed at those annoying Christians and religious people who only want to spoil our fun etc – the usual accusations that come from people who just don’t like the idea of being accountable to a living God.
Life may or may not be short at all
Interestingly the strap-line for this website promoting cheating on your husband or wife was; “life is short”! All I can say is, I sincerely hope life for those that reject God is indeed short as the Adventists believe, and that life in hell is not eternal as jesus Christ, the one who spoke and warned his followers (note – not the ordinary people he spoke to who heard more of his message about repentance) far more about Hell and Heaven seemed to intimate.
Here in the world in this day and age of ‘enlightenment’ we have people and companies actually promoting this kind of service as if it were commendable and something good. Whilst there is nothing new under the sun according to The Bible, I think the following must have come to pass;
The Ascension of Isaiah is quoted by some Early Church Fathers
This excerpt is a prophecy of the way the Church would be before the Second Coming.
“…when the Messiah’s coming is at hand, his disciples will forsake the teaching of the twelve apostles and their faith, their love and their purity, and there will arise much contention about his coming and his appearing. And in those days there will be many who will love office though they are devoid of wisdom, and many elders will be lawless and violent shepherds to their sheep and will become ravagers of the sheep, since they have no holy shepherds. And many will exchange the glory of the garment of the saints for the garment of the covetous, and respect for persons will be common in those days, and such as love the honor of this world. And there will be much slandering and boasting at the approach of the Lord and the Holy Spirit will depart from many. And in those days there will not be many prophets nor such as speak reliable words, except a few here and there, on account of the spirit of error, of fornication, of boasting and of covetousness which shall be in those who yet will be called his servants and who receive him. Great discord will arise among them, between shepherds and elders. For great jealousy will prevail in the last days, for each will say what seems pleasing in his own eyes. And they will set aside the prophecies of the prophets, which were before me and also pay no attention to these my visions, in order to speak forth from the torrent of their heart…”

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)