
A Competition For Him – Not With Him

I have a very weird habit and hope l don’t get beaten or punched in the face some day for this. All the time I’m around a dating couple, say maybe l am hanging out with a Boo and his Bar, or like we run into each other at the store, there is this awkward habit of  praising brother and making affirmations in the presence of his woman. This l do it intentionally, not that l try to take affirmations, l just like to pick out the little things about the brother and make them look big in the presence of my sister, well say maybe the choice of shoes, haircut, perfume, l pick out the little details about him in that moment of time and magnify them. And honestly, most times it makes the sister very uncomfortable whenever l do this habit of mine.

I was having dinner out with a friend and his woman one day. I just could not stop showering him compliments at the dinner table;

“Christian where did you learn how to hold a fork like that?”

“Christian is the size the size of your shirt, you’re rocking, l love how it makes you look so handsome fit”.

“Christian this shoes are lovely, did you get them from Jumia – does it come in Size 7? Who cuts your hair, can your barber clean my forehead as well?”Christian, christian, Christian.

So at that point when the game was on and Christian was distracted, my friend turned around to me and said, sister Winny, you have been be making me feel very uncomfortable since we got here, if l didn’t know you, l would have easily believed you are hitting on my boy.😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😄

I blushed and asked her one very easy question. Do you know where Christian cuts his hair from, she said no, okay what size of shoe does he wear, l can’t remember, where did he order that shirt from? I like it and since l cannot ask him, can you at least tell me how much the shirt costs?, I don’t know, l just admire the shirt and l didn’t ask where he got it.

At a point, l laughed boldly and said to her, l know sister if you knew the answers to these questions you would have joined the conversation, but you were quiet like you also wanted to know the answers to this simple questions too.

That night l taught her a very important love lesson and l want you too as well to catch this do tightly too, Boo and Bae a like, never let anyone compliment your partner better than you do. It is a competition young ladies. Some of you don’t know this, you spend all your energy competing with your spouse. The real competition is not internal ladies, it is external, you are supposed to be fighting for space and superiority against the enemy attacking on the the outside and not fighting for space and superiority over each other.

Look here, l live this mindset, no one is going to love my partner better than l do, no one is going to treat my spouse nicer than l can, and no one is going to forgive my Boo faster than l can. I am in a serious competition for him, not with him.

I am never giving anyone the opportunity to love or treat my partner better than l do, if my fire is not burning hot enough, l will throw in some more wood.

Bless you


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