Posted 2017 – updated 2019
The Bible says we live in a fallen world and as a result – the human body is bombarded by potential threats minute in – minute out. Though these threats are few compared to the non-threats – a single one can be deadly. To counter this – every cell in the human body has a wall around it with 1000’s of checks and balances to restrict or allow exactly which molecules are allowed to pass through it’s walls – and which are not.
Now believe it or not, the cell is not ‘moleculellist‘ – in fact it likes – no LOVES foreign molecules very very much – and may not even survive or creativley thrive without them. So this walled cell actively seeks out – and INVITES foreign entities from distant places in – to build up it’s strength and that of the host – so that – the cell can then be a blessing to other cells and other hosts. What does the Bible say? We are to bless those people and nations around us.
This system of strength and blessing – implemented at the lowest cellular level – designed by God – the architect of the universe, was made that way for one good reason; to protect the host – the owner of the cells in a hostile environment and to do this by stopping foreign and unknown molecules that do not have the hosts best intentions, coming in from the outside and destroying the cell from within.
However it’s worth noting that the cell membrane is also designed to expressly allow the free movement of foreign entities from outside the cell, in and out. 99.9% molecules that come in from the outside come from the body itself or even another body as in reproduction, and are good and are often used by the cell to grow and divide or needed by the cell to survive.
However a tiny number of foreign bodies will try to enter the cell do not have the hosts best interests at heart, like viruses or bacteria or poisons. So the cell has a simple choice; a) to have no cell wall, and in a short time one of these entities will enter the cell and either corrupt it’s makeup, poison it or cause it to self destruct or making this cell not only a danger to other cells and uninhabitable for good foreign entities and the host body may even become useless to other hosts, or b) have a robust cell wall, but one that is able to efficiently let benign, positive and safe foreign bodies in and out freely, but at the same time a wall with a filter that is able to identify and block the 0.001% of molecules that are a danger. The fact is, if you remove your front door, no matter how many good local friends and family you have, eventually someone will come in from further afield and trash your home.
So it seems, for all the ‘bad’ we are told that walls are, that in this fallen and hostile world at least (this may change when we receive the new heaven and earth and our bodies are restored to how God originally designed them before the fall) that God actually favours borders – not to create division, but for protection, safety and survival! We see this in The Bible in Genesis with the Tower of Babel; it’s not that God doesn’t like progress, he doesn’t like too much power concentrated in too few hands as “the human heart is deceitful above all things.” This of course is not to mention the borders around our homes, our gardens, our prisons, our businesses, our banks, our schools, even the walls in our houses are needed for one very important thing; order. No one wants to get rid of those.
But back to the ‘borderless’ new world that’s coming – and foretold in the Bible. In fact, there is one way to have a world without any corruption, destruction from within, money laundering by criminals, drug dealing and so on, but this comes at a huge cost to all those people that don’t do this kind of stuff (of course as we have seen in recent months politicians are exempt from the law) so what is that cost?
That cost is that every single person on the planet must be tracked, their whereabouts known at every point and every location and during every day, and crucially, every transaction must be monitored, and it comes at what cost?… it comes at the cost of your freedom. Margaret Thatcher said in 1975; “there is such a thing as total security, but to have it you will lose your freedom.”
In the end we will all have to choose what we want (if it hasn’t already been chosen for us which is more likely the case and according to The Bible – will be the case); peace and security by minimising corruption by division of government and limiting power on a personal, business, state and country level – the way God does it in the Bible, or ‘eliminating’ corruption by total surveillance in an ‘open’ and ‘borderless’ world in which we would all be trapped at the cost of real and genuine freedom. If we choose the latter, and the Bible says we will, there will be no going back.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: