This has baffled me – here in the UK (and also in the USA looking at old news footage from the 50’s, 60’s and 70,s) we used to get real news – where the news anchors were well-dressed, humble, often kind and reported on the news – rather than came on and gave us 30 minute of desperate sales pitches to change our opinions to that of whoever is paying them. Ah!.. therein may lie the issue – could it be the love of money and the promised of wealth and great heights of social media fame and status that is now possible?
As a near 50 year old – knowing what journalism was – and what it has become I now feel rather ill after watching a few rounds of the BBC (I now call The British Bias Corporation) – even Fox News is having to get in on the boxing match or opinions. Just go back and see what news was – just that – NEWS! So now onto the question: why have are all the news outlets become so incredibly biased in and vicious in their ‘reporting’ and reported questions in the last 5-10 years? And I don’t mean asking good and difficult question to hold presidents and celebs to account – I mean the continuous use of straw-men to whip up the masses and bash their political opponents.
Well here’s my opinion – and I’ll try not to ram it down your throat like CNN, BBC, Channel4 and the rest. We need to ask who are the journalists now employed at these ‘news’ outlets? We all know they are run by moguls with political biases – but even that did not stop the news outlets and their minions from reporting rather than opining 24-7.
They are the new selfie-generation – hyper sensitive, snowflakes that never experienced a war, have no clue how hard the freedom they have to spout their views all day long was to get – and how quickly they are flushing it down the toilet – all because they have been indoctrinated at what were once Christian universities – and turned into leftist training camps where they are told America and the West style everything they have and need to be brought back into socialist global utopian line.
Now even if there is some truth in that – what do they think?.. that if all countries are made equal, the sins of their greedy politicians and globalist bankers (who are their unwitting puppet masters) will magically go away and no longer exist? They have no clue as to the real reason they live and benefit from a free country and are free to shout and scream and tear down all that’s good: namely the bible.
What?!! Am I really suggesting that the West’s freedom is down to something so insignificant as the bible? – surely it’s down to the cunning and stealth of the white politicians as they have looted and raided all the countries of the world and oppressed their people? You mean like China treat their citizens so well? Or like Russia – or like South American Countries – or like the endemic corruption in Italy or France that the people themselves will lament over if you ask them? That’s right – “if my people will turn their face and repent I will heal their land,” says the Lord in the Bible – not, “if my politicians…”
How on earth did the bible along manage to achieve this freedom? I will come back and answer this very important question later – suffice to say it is provably true.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: